Thursday, April 13, 2017


SEPARATISTS(indepence), FEDERALISTS (cohabitation with La Republique), CONSERVATIVES (maintain the Status-quo).
The ambiguity that has delayed our struggle is not far-fetched. The inherent fact of creating divisive instincts amongst Southern Cameroonians has grown and dwells in us. We are still where we are because we refuse to speak the same language.
While a majority stand for Independence, a minority talk about Federation with the same evil East Cameroon while yet some misguided proportion calls on "good governance and maintained Status-quo of the so-called one and indivisible Cameroon propaganda". The question now is WHAT DO WE WANT??
SAPARATION (Independence) merits the International intetvention. At the moment, the UNO, USA, UK, CANADA VATICAN and a host of other countries have taken up our course and are keeping a close eye as things unfold. If it is Independence we want, we have to unanimously cry foul against LRC, cut off our links with them administratively, host our own administration and lobby for cognizance and seats by the AU, UN. The International Community can only through its weight intoto on our issue when it concerns Independence.
Federation remains an internal issue and warrants at most a REFERENDUM where the citizens will vote to decide their fate. What happened to the 1961 Federal Sytem of Government our forefathers chosed for us? In 1972, a so-called Referendum was organized by Ahidjo, with the same answer in both English and French- YES and OUI instead of YES (OUI) and NO (NON). The results were what you and l know they should be in such a case amid the influx of Francophones who came into Southern Cameroons and voted. The United Republique of Cameroon is created. Slavery increased, killings of those with nationalistic instincts intensified. If you envy being attached to La Republique that much, then form a CONFEDERATION in the future. We were not born to fight all our lives. The time to solve this algebra once and for all is now. Solve it and put an end to future fights.
Then came the Republique of Cameroun through a Presidential decree as from 1984. The deceptive policies of the so-called "New Deal" of National integration, National Unity made a misguided few to sell out their fellow blood brothers and sisters to Biya in order to gain appointments. Such a minority group of misguided subventionists like the PETER MAFANY MUSONGE’S, ATANGA NJI PAUL'S, ACHIDI ACHU'S, PHILEMON YANG, and a host of others are those who intend to forever be regarded as demi-gods in their respective areas of origin.
Such cacophony is what has in the past and of recent kept us wondering even at the middle of our struggle.
We have gone to far, sacrificed morethan enough to still be where we are at the moment. BUT DO YOU KNOW WHY WE ARE STILL HERE? GET THE ANSWER BELOW..
Let us together speak the language of separation. Let especially our mouthpieces speak the language of the people. The people are for Total separation and restoration of the independence of the sovereign Southern Cameroons. Let the MUNA'S et all shift from their federalist standpoint of which they propagate to the outside world and tell the world exactly what we Southern Cameroonians want.
As we continue to call on our MPs to activate a Benevolent Neutrality Bloc and write to UN, AU, UK, US and CANADIAN GOVERNMENTS or simply resign, the grassroots must endeavour to dissociate themselves from the colonial administrators at all cost. We must cut off links with La Republique for the INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY to consider our issue a bi-National affaire that warrants their intervention. As we remain linked to La Republique, our struggle is considered an internal issue that should be resolved internally.
This is the time to rise as one people and speak the language of SEPARATION AND FULL INDEPENDENCE.
Chris Bongam, Nationalist and a Nation Builder,18:40 pm Ambazonia Time, 13/04/2017

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