Wednesday, December 26, 2018






PERMIT MR DEAR READERS TO START WITH THIS AFRICAN PROVERB.... That when you get up early in the morning and your cock starts chasing after you, run for your dear life, for that cock might have developed tooth over night.

The same goes for our focus for this weekend.


This is today, a self-declared state consisting of what is now seen as the Anglophone portions of Cameroon which previously comprised British Southern Cameroons.

The Southern Cameroons was formerly the United Nations Trust Territory of Southern Cameroons under United Kingdom administration (1922–1961), which in 1961 voted to become independent from the United Kingdom by federating with the French-speaking Republic of Cameroon.

Also called by those teamed by the Government of Cameroun as Extremists, Separatists, Secessionists and or Terrorists as the Federal Republic of Ambazonia

To them :- It is known to have a Flag,
- A Territory claimed by the Federal Republic of Ambazonia,
- Status - a putative unrecognized state.
- Recognized by the UN as part of Cameroun,
- Capital :- purported to be Buea,
- Government :- Transitional,
- President :- Siseku Ayuk Tabe, who is presently under custody, but Samuel Sako Ikome as interim,
- Her Independence from LR du Cameroun,
- Established :- on the 1st of October 2017,
- Currency :- known as the Amba, and a Passport,
- Time zone (UTC+3)
- Drives on the right hand, just like in the East Cameroun.


In 2017, the Southern Cameroons Ambazonia Consortium United Front (SCACUF) unilaterally declared Ambazonia to be independent, while the Cameroonian government stated that the declaration has no legal weight.

The ensuing protests and violence are referred to as the Anglophone Crisis, where many believed stated from the Lawyers and Teacher's strike of 2016, while claimed has been a time bomb since after 1971.


The term Ambazonia is derived from the word Ambozes, the local name for the bay area at the mouth of the Wouri (now Douala) river.


In February 1984, President of Cameroon Paul Biya changed the official name of the country from the United Republic of Cameroon to the Republic of Cameroon.

The name that Francophone Cameroun held before its unification with Anglophone Cameroon, formerly Southern Cameroon.

Biya stated that he had taken the step to affirm Cameroon's political maturity and to demonstrate that the people had overcome their language and cultural barriers.

The action some argued was extremely popular among the Anglophone majority at a  time when Biya had a fiction with Ahidjo.

But a minority of two Restoration or secessionists groups emerged. The first group believed that Biya was assuming that the Anglophiles no longer had a unique identity and was attempting to further assimilate them into the Francophone majority.

The second group argued that by returning Cameroon to its old name, Biya had restored the Francophone state and seceded from the United Republic, thereby forfeiting his government's constitutional right to rule the Anglophone portion of the country.


In a memorandum dated 20 March 1985, an Anglophone Fon/ Lawyer and President of the Cameroon Bar Association Fon Gorji Dinka wrote that the Biya government was unconstitutional and announced the former Southern Cameroons should become independent as the Republic of Ambazonia.

Gorji-Dinka was incarcerated the following January without trial and in the process became a martyr for separatist cause.

In 2005, the Southern Cameroons/Republic of Ambazonia became a member of the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation (UNPO).

On 31 August 2006 the independence of the Republic of Ambazonia to include the disputed territory of Bakassi was formally proclaimed by the Southern Cameroons Peoples Organisation (SCAPO).

The name Ambazonia was used in 1984 by Fon Gorji-Dinka(leader of the Ambazonia advocacy group), when the parliament and government of the Republic of Cameroun changed the name of the country from the United Republic of Cameroon back to the pre-reunification name of the French Cameroun, the Republic of Cameroun.

In the view of some, including Gorji-Dinka, Bernard Fonlon, and Carlson Anyangwe, particularly in the former British Cameroon, this meant a dissolution of the 1961 personal union.

It was in this light that beginning in 1984, Ambazonia, was declared to represent an intervention of the people of Southern Cameroons to return the statehood of the former British Southern Cameroons territory.

Ambazonia saw this not as the fait accompli of a one Cameroon state but as an opportunity to engage both states into a constitutional review of their post-1984 relations.

Ambazonia believed that by operation of the law, there should be an equal participation by the two states that made up the now extinct federation, in a new vision for their countries' (Republic of Cameroun and the Southern Cameroons) relations with each other.

In the document, dubbed the new Social Order, the Ambazonia's proposal of CACIN (the Cameroon-Ambazonia Confederacy of Independent Nations) was summarily rejected by the Republic of Cameroon.

Instead, the leader of ARC Ambazonia Restoration Council, Fon Gorji-Dinka, was arrested and tried for treason for claiming the continuing existence of the sovereignty of the Southern Cameroons in the Republic of Ambazonia.

In 1992, Fon Gorji-Dinka, on behalf of the state of Republic of Ambazonia, filed a lawsuit against the Republic of Cameroun and President Paul Biya on the main charge of the Republic of Cameroun's illegal and forcible occupation since the 1984 dissolution of the United Republic of Cameroon and the declaration of the Republic of Ambazonia.

This suit was registered with the Bamenda High Court in the Northwest region of Cameroon as case number HCB/28/92.

Note, Conflicting reports exist relating to the outcome of this case.

In a 2005 judgment of the United Nations Human Rights ICCPR (International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights) Tribunal Communication 1134/2002, the United Nations Human Rights Tribunal ruled in favor of compensation for Fon Gorji-Dinka for human rights abuses to his person and for assurances of the enjoyment of his civil and political rights.


The declaration of independence followed a series of events that started with a lawyers' strike in October 2016, Championed by was known as the BIG SUPER 4.

That is, the Presidents of North West Lawyer's Association under the leadership of Barrister Bobga Harmony, The Fako Lawyer's Association, under the Leadership of Barrister Agbor Balla, The MÊME Lawyer's Association, under Barrister Awuta Philip and The Manyu Lawyer's Association with Barrister Ntuibane as V.P, assuming the Leadership role in place of their Lady President who was indisposed.

The lawyers had some times on the 9th of May 2015, sent an ultimatum to the government of Cameroun calling for a redeployment of French speaking judges from English-speaking courts and called its territory made up of the two English speaking regions of current Republic of Cameroon;

That was equally the cry of the Teachers which equally dates far back, where the English sub system of Education was fast being replaced by the French sub system and French teachers and students in the majority of the English-speaking schools of the English Regions.


It has since then formed its Interim Government and the Interim President, Sisiku Ayuk Tabe Julius, has appointed his first cabinet in exile.

As noted above, initially, the claims were initiated by the lawyers, then the Teachers.

The lawyers had sent an ultimatum to the government of Cameroon calling for a redeployment of French speaking judges from English-speaking courts.

The Cameroon government responded by cracking down on lawyers' demonstrations, as well as separatist protestors and insurgents.

As events on folded, at least 100 or more people were killed in protests following the declaration of independence, as we read on papers, while about fourteen Cameroonian troops were killed in attacks claimed by the Ambazonia Defense it still continuing.


On 5 January 2018, members of the Ambazonia Interim Government were detained in Nigeria by unknown parties.

Voice of America (V.O.A) reported that Julius Ayuk Tabe and six others were taken into custody at a hotel in Abuja.

An announcement was made 4 February 2018 that Dr. Samuel Ikome Sako would become the Acting President of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia, succeeding Tabe, replacing Barrister Bobga Harmony who temporarily Chaired the Council.


on November 30TH, 2017, the President of Cameroon declared war on the Anglophone secessionists to press men at the Yaounde Nsimalen International Airport as he returned from Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire where he attended the 5th Africa Union-European Union Summit.

THIS marked the start of a very violent confrontation between Government forces and armed separatist.

THE conflict started in Manyu Division where the Ambazona Defense Force Operated.

From there, the conflict has spread to other Divisions like Lebialem, Fako, Bui, Mezam, Momo, Menchum, Ngoketunjia...etc etc.

Several different armed factions have emerged such as the Red Dragons, Tigers, ARA, ABL amongst others.

Several Villages and towns have been burned down such as Kwa-kwa, Kembong, Tadu in NSO, Muyenge just to name a few. But almost 104 on counting.

The conflict has escalated at an alarming ratein June and July of 2018 and may lead to full blown civil war, if not carefully handled.


FOR FURTHER READIND, PLEASE PROF. ANYANGWE  (August 2008) with the Book  Imperialistic politics in Cameroun: resistance & the inception of the restoration of the statehood of southern Cameroons.



- I shall try to figure out the success or failure of the Republic of Ambazonia,  whichever way it goes.



TEL :- 677 743 201 OR 696 207 609.


Mr. LAZIZ NCHARE openly warns his people not to engage into a senseless war with Anglophones

States categorically from intelligence sources that ATANGA NJI is behind the Baungourain attacks

Says ATANGA NJI is creating militia groups in the NOUN division, arming civilians who will be used to attack Ambazonia

Says these militia groups will be committing atrocities in the NOUN division so as to tag it on Ambazonians

Says BIYA is preparing  a CIVIL WAR and the Bamoums should not allow their land to be used as a battle ground

Says such a consequence will lead to heavy civilian casualties

Warns his kin not to fall prey to Atanga Nji macabre schemes or to be manipulated into cynicism by Atanga Nji Paul or to even think of engaging into war

Says Bamoums have a sociological link with Anglophones

Asks Bamoums to act rationally

Invites all Bamoums to arise and demonstrate publicly against the BIYA regime

Invites Bamoums to sue for peace with Anglophones to resolve crisis

Says thousands of Bamoums have been living peacefully in Ambazonia without any threat whatsoever

26 DEC 2018.


This is a very dangerous turn and emotions are running very high.

However, high emotions tend to lower reasoning (see-saw effect).

One false move can open the flood gates of hell.

Its imperative for the Ambazonia leadership to maintain their calm and use discernment before engaging in any retaliatory action that may back fire on Ambazonia.

All along, LRC has done its best to make Ambazonia look bad, so as to justify the dirty war that is ongoing and to relent from solving the problem.

Since the beginning of the war, Ambazonia has been referred to as SEPARATISTS REBELS by the International Community, reason why the International Community has asked LRC to dialogue with the former.

Since BIYA is the incarnation of ALL EVIL and doesn't want to dialogue, he has used his surrogates to multiply atrocities that will make the International Community to call Ambazonians terrorists so that the killing can continue.

We remember the fake SWISS hostage takings and release

The fake abduction of FAKO chiefs

The fake AKUM attack

The fake NKWEN school children kidnappings and many other fake attacks,

 now the Bangourain attack.

Its time to apply wisdom.




Ceci est une alerte que je lance à toute la communauté Bamum sur le danger que court tout le Département du Noun à servir de base arrière contre les « ambazoniens ». J’ai des renseignements qui donnent à croire que l’actuel ministre de l’administration est en route pour Bangourain pour armer les civiles pour les enrôler dans la guerre contre les anglophones. C’est une escalade dangereuse qui mettra en collusion le peuple Bamum contre les peuples anglophones. Ce qui n’est pas excusable. Ne soyons pas complices dans ce macabre complot.

Les Bamum sont sociologiquement liés aux anglophones et vivent ensemble dans la paix. Si Atanga Nji décide d’armer les Bamum de Bangourain pour traverser le fleuve Noun pour aller combattre les « ambazoniens », cela constitue une preuve qu’il a envoyé des milices à Bangourain pour faciliter l’enrôlement des populations civiles pour aller faire la guerre dans les régions anglophones. J’invite tout le peuple Bamum à organiser des manifestations pacifiques dès aujourd’hui pour empêcher une telle escalade militaire contre les anglophones. C’est machiavélique la stratégie de Antaga Nji et il devient dans ce coup l’ennemie du peuple Bamum.

Agissons de manière rationnelle. Les Nations Unies exigent le dialogue. Les Bamum doivent être majoritairement en faveur du dialogue pour faire prospérer l’option de la paix. Ne nous laissons pas manipuler dans le cynisme d’Atanga Nji. Les civiles ont été désarmés à Bangourain. Pourquoi les armer et les emmener faire la guerre à l’autre rive du Noun. Les Bamum doivent rester chez eux. Ils doivent dire non à la guerre.

La sagesse d’une telle approche est dictée par la réalité selon laquelle la guerre civile qui se prépare n’est à l’avantage d’aucun Camerounais. Il y a des milliers de Bamum dans les zones anglophones. Tout escalade militaire met en danger la vie des civiles innocents de part et d’autre du conflit.

Merci de votre aimable attention.

Laziz Nchare, New York, le 26 Décembre 2018.

Monday, December 24, 2018

The true enemies of this struggle are not LRC but enemies in the house. RENDITION by Ambe Emmanuel


The true enemies of this struggle are not LRC but enemies in the house, LRC surrogates who are deceiving the masses that they are fighting for Ambazonia when the reverse is true.

On the 29th of September 2018, AMBA queen KEMI ASHU and AMBE EMMANUEL jointly published the story HIGH TREASON (The Danger of Accomplishments). The reaction was both unanticipated and overwhelmingly positive. The majority of comments confirmed the fact that this was a wakeup call and that the struggle had been derailed by power mongers and by some who were using the blood of Ambazonians for their personal gain.

As usual with the internet, there was so much talk but less action.

In less than a month, Generals started falling one by one under doubtful and annoying circumstances in a vicious drama that continued to repeat itself-RENDITION; Generals TIGER, BELTUS, AMIGO and now IVO.

Ambazonia mourns the death of a brave warrior, but just how did General IVO die?

There is little doubt that Ivo was not killed by LRC but by his very own, by the very people he worked for, even though, he had created several enemies in a short while.

At the same time, it could still be a cover up for a crime, meaning that those who wanted him dead pushed him to commit those crimes so that his death will now look like a reprisal attack.

From the death scene, it is evident that;

Ivo did not die in battle. Since he enjoyed media coverage a lot, his ongoing battles were usually reported online. This time, it was not the case. No one knew of any confrontation in TEKE.

Ivo didnt die with a gun in hand to further the claim that he didnt die in battle. Even his captors forgot to frame his photo with a Dane gun or with an AK 47, justifying the reason why he was killed as it has been the trade mark with LRC killings.

Only Ivo died so we ask ourselves how a general can die alone if it wasnt a kind of arrangement.

From the images, he was shot in front of a house from the back at close range, reason why one of the bullets pierced through the front. He fell on his back and bled to death without any struggle.

As part of LRC trademark, if the BIR had killed such a big catch like Ivo that they have searched for over a year, we would have seen several selfies and photos with his corpse on the death scene, priding themselves about such a catch, so as to win promotion or favour from their Yaoundé masters.

As part of LRC trademark, IVOs trousers werent pulled down for the world to see how much ODESHI he tied around his waist. It is typical for LRC to undress Amba fighters or even plant fetishes on their bodies to show that they are terrorists and to justify their being killed.

We never saw any; we only saw his corpse in a pickup and soldiers scrambling to take shots of him, stipulating clearly that it was an inside job. LRC military was only called in to collect his corpse after the dirty inside job had been done.

Everything had been arranged well in advance.

The great general Ivo died like a fowl without a fight and with no means to defend himself. Even his ODESHI failed him that day meaning he wasnt prepared for battle and he was taken aback. With all his military skills and with the fact that he was highly wanted by LRC, there is no way he could have been surprised or ambushed so easily to such a point, without even a gun in his hand to defend himself. He must have felt very safe and very confident around someone he trusted earnestly.

 Many Generals survive fierce battles to end up dying like chicken with no means to defend themselves because all are inside jobs. Few generals die with a gun in hand, even then, they are shot from the back and not shot by the enemy. 

The most worrying aspect is the insensitivity and the untold callousness with which AYABA CHO announced his death, for someone who had worked under him all along. To AYABA, it was as if nothing happened and it was just another day at work after all the services he rendered to the former or to the revolution. While Ambazonia mourned, it sounded like a non event to AYABA because he surely knew in advance what was going to happen to IVO and since it was all planned out, IVO was replaced instantly by another surrogate who will continue to do the dirty job of their Diaspora masters.

There was no seeming ATTEMPT at explaining the circumstances under which he was killed. He needed enough time to arrange the story in his live show.

As usual, Ayabas surrogate acted swiftly, asking the people not to enter the blame game but to remain focused.

IVO MBAH was a soldier in LRC under the most dreaded BIR corps. he distinguished himself at KOLOFATA. As he proved his dexterity with the weapon, he was sent to the frontline where the battle was fiercest and in little time, he turned the tables around in favour of LRC distinguishing himself as a warrior without bounds. (Videos exist of him in action in the war against BOKO HARAM)

When LRC started slaughtering Ambazonians, IVO turned his back to his Master, came to Kumba a formed a small group of militants, then the resistance ensued. He became top on LRC wanted list. From then on, BETI ASSOMO hated Anglophone soldiers in LRC, that they were giving military secrets and military skills to the enemy (AMBA). Defecting from LRC army is punishable by death, yet Ivo was ready to pay the ultimate price.

Ivo sacrificed his prestigious corps with all the risk, the pride and fame to fight and to defend his people. Among all LRC corps, the  BIR are the most well treated, well equipped and well paid- the ELITE CORPS in LRC.

Ivo was a war strategist, a killing machine and a skillful manipulator of weapons; perhaps he wielded the weapon much faster and more accurately than BOB MUNDEM. Ivo was a sharp shooter who hardly missed his target. He was also known to have esoteric powers which made him omnipresent, as it is reported that he fought several battles in different at the same time.

Ivo was seemingly invincible. From the number of videos he made from KOLOFATA to Ambazonia, it is clear that Ivo enjoyed being in the limelight, he basked in the fame and in the cheers of his admirers. Ivo loved to be in the limelight, basking his ego in the cheers and in the warmth of his supporters.  Ivo was indeed a star and wanted to remain as such, even upon his death, reason why even his sworn enemies scrambled to take photos of his corpse, immortalizing the moment.

Ivo perhaps on LRCs most wanted list as he personalized the revolution, reason why LRC wanted him so badly. If Ivo alone could shake the foundations to such an extent, lets imagine that only a third of Amba soldiers serving LRC defected like Ivo did, where would we the revolution be today?

Ivo died for what he loved most, the smoking gun. He lived by the gun and he died by the gun.

To confirm the fact that IVO was truly great we must go back in History to investigate how Great Generals and Great War veterans ended up; they were almost always betrayed by insiders,. Stabbed in the back by their trusted aides and History always repeats itself since we never learn from the mistakes of the past;

From the days of old, SAMSON, perhaps the most powerful man in the Bible was betrayed by the very woman he loved and he trusted so much, the very woman he had sex with and he trusted her enough to expose the secret of his power to, despite his parents warnings. We all know how Samson ended on the laps of DELILAH.

 HANNIBAL, the Greatest war General and war strategists that ever existed was betrayed by the Carthaginian senate in mid battle as they refused to continue to support and to fund the second PUNIC war, betrayed by the same Government whose interest he fought for.

The great JULIUS CAESAR was betrayed yet again by his allies and his well-trusted friends, BRUTUS and LONGINUS.

One of the great revolutionary African leaders THOMAS SANKARA was betrayed by his most trusted friend and life time class mate BLAISE CAMPAORE.

A mans true enemies are members of his household, his family, his friends, his colleagues and his business associates.

JESUS himself was betrayed by the one who shared the same plate with him.

General Ivo was NO SAINT, he was stubborn and over confident. Ivo was warned not to work for people but to work for the Revolution. He never heeded. 

Things turned around when IVO decided to do dirty jobs for AYABA CHO by killing fellow fighters in the SZ, yet again in the NZ.

At a certain point, Ivo got bloated with pride and became swollen headed and reckless, making it look like he was indispensable to the struggle and without him, there will be no struggle. Ivo became power hungry  and wanted to remain in control like his boss and insecure too, fighting hard to dwarf or to destroy other leaders or groups that challenged his military prowess so that he and his boss would control the entire Ambazonia, control all the money and the power. In that regard, many AMBA fighters were killed by Ivo as the feud heightened. As a result, Ivo got at loggerheads with other Generals. We all remember the video by FIELD MASHALL of LEBIALEM, warning Ivo and challenging him to a duel if the former ever stepped foot in the latters county.

At some point, Ivo was more in the media with propaganda videos than on the battle field, wanting to get as much popularity as ever than the other Generals.

Ivo ended up destroying all that he worked for by attacking all other AMBA groups that rivaled with him.

Ivo and his ADF killed the most feared warrior Muyuka, the strong man  who was called THE GOD FATHER. When the God Father was alive, he resisted LRC in battle to the point where traffic was paralyzed between Buea and Kumba for 8 straight days. In the God fathers days, there wasnt a single uniformed officer of LRC in Muyuka. Feeling insecure by the God Fathers success, Ivo lured him into the bush, that Diaspora had sent a consignment of Arms had arrived from abroad and that he should come and assist in the sharing.

 Innocently, the God-Father followed them to the bush and he was killed in cold blood by Ivo. When the God-Father was killed, LRC took control of Muyuka till date and all the military men returned.

Later on, another leader emerged in that sub-county called OPOPO. Once again, feeling rivaled by the military might of another warrior and his ceaseless quest to control Ambazonia, Ivo sent about 20 of his ADF men to kill OPOPO in MUNYENGUE. In a fierce battle, OPOPO and his men killed 9 ADF fighters and charred their remains to the earth.

The parents of those fighters started bothering Ivo as to why he had to take their sons into battle in a different county and why they couldnt get the corpses of their killed children. Ivo couldnt provide any explanation; instead he began to avoid them. This happened a few days before he died.

Ivos last days were those of desolation and isolation till the day he was killed. He had become an object of disdain and scorn, losing relevance even some of his most loyal fanatics due to the persistent killing of fellow fighters. The repeated killing of fellow Amba fighters in repetition was an act of HIGH TREASON against Ambazonia.

His death is a blessing to the revolution. The next ADF leader will surely learn some lessons and tread if at all he has any brains when he is sent to do dirty jobs for Ayaba Cho.

IVOs always enter the game at the climax to turn thing around.

In the 1984 coup when the coup plotters made up of re[publican guards had surrounded all military installations, hijacked the national radio and played the victory song, all hop was lost and the cowardly francophone guards asked Biya to surrender to the insurrection, one man held his ground and pledged to surrender only upon death, IVO DESANCHIO YENIWO. Thanks to IVO, Biyas life was not only saved but biya regained his throne, yet today, the same biya who was saved by an Anglophone is killing Anglophones. If this Ivo didnt enter the game, Biya would not have survived to be killing Ambazonians as he is doing today.

When LRC started slaughtering unarmed Ambazonians, another Ivo (MBAH) stepped in to defend his people. He stood upon when everyone was sitting down. He took the courage to defect and to act when everyone was too afraid to challenge the oppressor in the face. The tables got turned around when IVO stepped in. the victory of several battles against LRC have been attributed to the support and to the dexterity of IVO.

The Amba revolution has been gaining a lot of grounds over time with several victories recorded by various generals in various locations. General AMIGO, general BELTUS, general NNAMBERE and the most dreaded FIELD MARSHALL of the RED DRAGONS. Things turned around when yet another IVO entered the game. From the day TAPANG IVO decided step in by joining AYABA CHO, this revolution has had nothing but trouble, infighting, power struggle and friendly fire.

Having been deposed as the interim Consortium Leader and his Federalist stance that that made him highly unpopular in the Diaspora, Tapang was desperate to return to the limelight. When he realist that his Federalist stance wasnt selling abroad, he circulated a picture of himself with 2 Amba flags on his computer table. He now joined the Ambazonia train. He posed online with weapons to show his military might as a warrior. That didnt work. Some time later, he began reporting the activities of the RED DRAGONS, soon after that, he claimed ownership of the Red dragons. Disgraced by the RED DRAGONS over claimed ownership and desperate to return to the limelight, TAPANG IVO finally found an ally, he forged a live show with AYABA CHO and the very next day, he becomes the spokesman of the ADF.

It was the same Tapang who mentioned online that French was his first language.

The same Tapang swore that he was a staunch federalist. When he realized that the federalists were losing steam, he turned his coat to become an Ambazonian.

The same Tapang mocked the ADF fighters openly in the past. It was he who gave them the name CHANG SHOE BOYS, a name that finally became the trade mark of the ADF. Today, Tapang is the spokesman of the same group he mocked and he castigated less than a year ago.

A few weeks back, Tapang swore how he would carry the revolution across the Mungo, how he had done so much ground work. He even claimed responsibility for some mishaps that occurred across the Mungo when eye witness accounts indicate that the fire was caused by a short circuit due to persistent power cuts from the electricity company. His followers hailed him for it. No one month later, all that has died a natural death and no one is talking about it anymore. Only our Generals keep dying in repeated cycles.

 When Tapang joined Ayaba Cho, there was uproar and indignation online that this marriage was going to cost Ambazonia dearly. Many people said that ATANGA NJI was working with Ayaba Cho. With no proof of this, we went on blindly. Unfortunately, we were too blind to see. Today we are reaping the fruits of the marriage. 4 generals have been killed like chicken in less than a month out of battle.

In 2017 when LRC ministers visited the Diaspora, they received hostile receptions in all counties except in the USA where TAPANG was in charge. At that time, the CONSORTIUM had made Tapang and MARK BARETA interim leaders.

EL HADJ LAWAN BAKO of the UDP and close friend to Biya prided himself in a Press interview how he prepared the foundation for a successful USA meeting. He was secretly dispatched to the US before NGOLLE NGOLLE arrived and held a SECRET MEETING with US stakeholders, reason why NGOLLE NGOLLE and his team were not harassed like others were in more than 10 different countries.

Who were the US stakeholders then; TAPANG IVO, BOMA MAYBELLE and others.

Why wasnt the meeting reported online? It was bound to remain a secret because money had to change hands.

When queried online why the US Diaspora didnt react, TAPANG and his US surrogates claimed that the venue for assembly and departure to DC wasnt well communicated. The biggest lie of the century. Posters were circulated online in bold red, specifying the venue the time and the fee for the DC trip. Anyone can draw his conclusion.

Today, BOMA MAYBELLE is fighting against the struggle, reporting LRC military news and spreading propaganda videos against Ambazonians who are funding the war.  On one of the videos, LRC military gathers some hungry looking villagers and lectures to them how LRC army is there to protect the people. After burning thousands of homes in Ambazonia, at times with people burnt alive inside, after looting so many homes and shops and banks, after killing all kinds of people including crippled who couldnt run, the old and the young, raping women and others after destroying even farms and ware houses, someone turns around and tells you that he is out to protect you. That is how you protect a people. These are people who had nothing to do with the struggle and who didnt offend anyone, yet their lives have been completely destroyed, talk less of those who have died, the widows and the orphans. Anyone can check her facebook pages.

Individuals have achieved much over time to the point where they have made it look like without them, the struggle will cease to exist. These people have developed several followers who have turned into surrogates, to sing the praises of these individuals and to rival with other surrogates, instead of supporting the struggle. In spite of all these mishaps, the majority of people still personalize and monopolize the struggle. Is the struggle about individual achievements or about Ambazonia?

While the heat is up people make a buzz over the fact that ERIC TATAW hit 2,000 mark view in a live show or that MARK BARETA hits 100,000 followers or that AYABA CHOs ratings increased by 40%. Its either the ADF or nothing, its either SOCADEF or nothing, its either MORISC or nothing. Is the struggle about our individual egos or about Ambazonia?

General Ivo made it look like without him, the struggle will cease to exist, reason why he fought hard to destroy any defense group or any leader that dwarfed his military might.

IDPs from Lebialem waited in the sun for 5 hours with the hope of getting just a cup of rice for Christmas from the AYAH FOUNDATION. Here we are out here, preparing for Christmas, living our normal lives with our family and friends, while at GZ there is nothing but desolation. At night we sleep in the comfort of our cozy houses and make love to our wives, while our people including babies are out there in the bushes at the mercy of nature. No amount of charity can ever restore the lives of the victims of this crisis. Charity wont restore the dead to life.

Yet some of us in the USA, SA and EUROPE can afford to toy with the struggle when lives, destinies and the future of thousands of persona have been destroyed.

Some of us will never step foot in Ambazonia and return alive.
With Generals NNAMBERE and the FIELD MARSHALL as our last defense lines, will they also be sold out to LRC so that all those deaths, all the carnage and destruction, all the lives lost and all the prisoners detained by LRC end up in vane?
The answer lies within each of us.


Sunday, December 23, 2018


LRC does not want to see us unite. All they want us to do is keep on arguing and fighting each other. They dont want to see us work together. All they want us to do is keep us selling one another or killing one another while settling for either nothing or for little crumbs.
AS I WAS THINKING, Everyone must know this: In the game of divide and conquer, we are mere pawns in the hands of the oppressors. They keep us busy fighting each other instead of fighting them:
Ayaba Cho fighting Chris Anu, Tapang Ivo fighting Eric Tataw; Mark Bareta fighting Atam Milan. IG fighting ADF; David Makongo fighting Sako Ikome; General Nambere fighting General Rick; Diaspora fighting Ground Zero; prisoners in New Bell fighting prisoners in Kondengui; refugees in Nigeria fighting IDPs on ground zero.
My friends, how can we say we are the never again generation, how can we be smart to a point that we jointly defeated and rubbished North West/South West divide, yet we are unable to stop the enemy and their small agents from dividing us amongst other lines? ARE WE THINKING?
Can anyone in their right senses (if not due intoxication and propaganda) tell me how Milan Atam, Ayaba Cho, Tapang Ivo, Akwanga Ebenezer, Boh Herbert suddenly just became enemies of the revolution if not of the divide and rule? Why only these warrior?
Where all our leaders arrested with intent to slow down our drive for freedom also arrested because they were trying to sell the struggle? Can anyone convince me that these brothers cited above still have a place in their life time in LRC that they will sell the struggle yet they dont look even very rich? We must rethink.
What the enemy has done to us is massive destruction using propaganda, bribery and corruption to keep us slaves for ever and never independent. And anyone who is smart enough can readily see this and work for an immediate reversal of this sad situation. We must take a second look in the mirror.
Even if it is true that some people sold the struggle, attacking them will also radically convert them against the struggle. So we must be moderate and wise. If we want to prevail and liberate ourselves as a people, we must put an end to this division or this division will put an end to our struggle for freedom and restoration.
The IG remains the Government of the people for the people. Go ahead and reorganize the IG and agree to dissolve all other groups. Reorganize the IG along the lines of diplomacy, self-defense and humanitarian and social services.
That is why the idea of a 5th conclave is not a bad one. In fact it is urgent. Though I dont want power if I have a way of reducing suffering on ground zero I will not hesitate to applaud it.
Create adhoc committees for communication and finance and unite ground zero. If we do this dialogue and negotiations will be easy. More people will get help on ground zero and less causalities will be registered.
We want honey so we are ready for the bees. I know that some LR agents will come and attack this article because I have busted them but I'm equally ready for anyone who wants to attack me and keep our people slaves for ever.
Yes, we must be free. There is no doubt about this. With energy and persistence we will conquer everything.
Dr. David Makongo

Friday, December 14, 2018

ANGLOPHONES, A PEOPLE APART by Ayah Paul Abine. December 14, 2018

Ayah Paul Abine. December 14, 2018


When Mr. President visited Maroua just before the last presidential election, a banner was shown with the message « NOUS NE SOMMES PAS DES MOUTONS ». [My translation : WE ARE NOT SHEEPISH]. Anglophones can likewise send a message to the Camerouoonianese leaders that ‘ANGLOPHONES ARE NOT FOOLISH’.

History has recorded that some Francophones took up arms against the Camerouooninese President of the Republic on April 6, 1984. Some of them are those preaching virtues today from the throne of Lucifer.

History has recorded that some Francophones joined Boko Haram and wreaked havoc on human lives and property. They have ALL been allotted score of hectares of land for resettlement with the necessary capital to develop the said lands.

Some 95% of those who have emptied the state coffers and built mansions in Yaounde with impunity are Francophones. Some 99% of them are holding on firmly to power in fervent opposition to discussing the form of the state. They are even sitting on their own policy of decentralization because its implementation would keep away people from Yaounde; and their mansions would stand unoccupied; or, at least, the rents would drop.

The Anglophones march with ‘PEACE BRANCHES’ in their hands, decrying MARGINALIZATION. They are killed ruthlessly, mercilessly even from helicopter gunships as narrated by the bishops of the Bamenda Ecclesiastical Province. Most of their leaders and many innocent Anglophones are rounded up and dumped in dungeons.

And someone callously proclaims that, (unlike Francophones), those Anglophones do not deserve the same treatment ‘other citizens’ (of French expression) have enjoyed again and again???


Anglophones are a people apart! And the story is told and retold! It never grows old! It is told and retold with arrogance: two loaves of sugar in a basin of water; hungry slaves – not slaves: they are DOGS from Biafra that have strayed onto Cameroun’s territory. They should be wiped out, down to the six-month old!!!

They are caught in their own words!

While the genocide is on, keep those captured languishing in jail. To blindfold the world, stage a fake release of a few to feign good intentions. It is as simple as that ! After all, even those ‘released’ will be taken down by ‘STRAY BULLETS’ from targeting – sooner rather than later! They have no hiding place: our having razed their dwelling houses to the ground!