Wednesday, April 26, 2017


It is ridiculous that some Southern Cameroonians, including the likes of brother ERIC CHINJE, think that we can continue to live in union with LRC in some form of FEDERALISM. This sounds to me like saying that Satan and God can figure out and arrangement to live together in heaven or that French and British people who are both european citizens, can form a federation and live together as one entity ! The recent exit of Britain from the European union is telling. I want to ask these advocates of federalism the following questions:
- How many times did Ahidjo or Biya ever receive Foncha, Muna, Fonka Shang when they were 2nd personalities of the Republic ?
- How many times has Biya received HRH Fon Angwafor who is 1st Vice President of the CPDM to discuss party issues or state issues, even in these times that anglophones are crying out loud against marginalisation?
- How many times has Biya visited Bamenda that he declared in 1985 to be his 2nd home ?
- How many of the so called " grands projets " that Mr Biya hopes will take his country LRC to emergence in 2035 are in Southern Cameroons?
- How come Biya announced the construction of the Limbe deep seaport since 1998 but abandoned that project in favour of Kribi ?
- Do you know Zacheus Fornjindam (son of Southern Cameroons ) was imprisoned on trumped up charges of embezzlement of 80 millions, then sentenced to life imprisonment, just because he was about to complete the ship yard ( chantier naval ) in Limbe that would have been repairing the biggest ships on the Atlantic coast and boosting the economy of Southern Cameroons ?
- Do you know that the same Fornjindam accused of embezzling 80 millions and sentenced to life jail, left 40 billions in the coffers of chantier naval Douala which were rapidly squandered by his beti successor Antoine Bikoro but never charged of any embezzlement and it is government now paying the salaries of the largely beti workers of that structure ?
- Have you ever seen francophones, even their so called intellectuals, rise up in solidarity with anglophones any time anglophones have been humiliated with insults such as: enemis dans la maison, biafrais, anglofous, les gens qui refechis a gauche, les bamendas esclaves, les vaut riens, etc. And recently Biya himself insulted us as " les extremistes ". You can continue the list. Instead, they team up to defend and make understand that it is all our fault and we deserve such insults !
In 1990, a CTV/CRTV colleague and collaborator of our brother Eric Chinje by name ZACHARIE NGNIMAN, wrongfully and shamelessly accused anglophone students of the then University of Yaounde of having sang the Nigerian national anthem on campus and referred to them as traitors of the nation. The anglophones in Yaounde in particular were arrested and tortured, many killed and dumped in unknown mass graves and not even Eric Chinje had the courage to raise his finger against these lies that exposed anglophones to genocide. On the contrary ZACHARIE NGNIMAN was later promoted to member of parliament while his boss Eric Chinje who himself suffered huge humiliations in CTV/CRTV resigned to look for solace out of the country.
It puzzles me that some Southern Cameroonians still think that some new breed of francophones will crop up and start considering Southern Cameroonians as their equals. It will never happen. Humiliating and wiping out the anglophone existence is a policy that is deeply rooted in the psyche of francophones.
They have created the common law departments in the francophone universities with the intention to teach common law to francophones, then admit them into ENAM, train them as common law magistrates, post them to courts in Southern Cameroons to continue the control of our judicial system with the argument that they understand common law. How can we be so blind not to see the writing on the wall ? These people have corruption, dishonesty, cheating, brutality, mischief, subjugation and exploitation as their way of live !
I have lived with Francophones for 40 years and it is clear to every generation of them that anglophones can never have the same rights like them in " their country " because we were the ones who begged to join them in 1961. Reason why they accept that Fru Ndi won the 1992 presidential elections but understand that Biya was right to seize the victory because he could not allow a foreigner to rule their country. Tell francophones as a whole that the post of Head of State of LRC should rotate between anglophones and francophones. The answer is an out right no and their argument is that anglophones are a minority and cannot expect to rule the francophone majority for what ever reason. After all to them, we were the ones who begged to join them in 1961 and so we must accept what ever treatment they mete on us.
In the face of all these humiliations and subjugation, and the established treachery that characterises the francophone way of life, accepting federalism with LRC will be accepting to enslave ourselves and future generations of Southern Cameroonian for eternity. God has ordained our liberation now like he liberated the children of Israel from Egypt and we must take it now or forget about it for ever. It is either total independence or it is slavery for ever ! We must continue to pay any price till we restore our independence and free ourselves and children from slavery under LRC.

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