Bishops W. Musa
By Wilson MUSA
Catholic Bishops, Principals and Reverend Sisters have written to the various Catholic Churches in Cameroon especially in the two English Speaking regions asking them to pray for the clergymen and women after they received a summon from a group of parents under the Umbrella of Consortium of Parents to appear before the Bamenda Court of First Instance on Friday April 21, 2017 by 9 am.
As earlier reported by the Press that the Government has dragged them to court, the Catholic Bishops in their communiqué released Sunday told faithful that, “It is a ‘Direct Summons’, which has been served to us by a group of persons described as the Consortium of Parents, whose children are in various Mission Academic Institutions.”
In the release, the Bishops said the said Consortium is acting through “a certain Colonel TAMAMBANG and Lt. Colonel Terence SAMA both of whom are unknown to us.”
Observers hold that the summon and entire process might have a hidden commanding hand as the Bishops doubt the existence of the persons leading the said “Consortium of Parents”
Letterof Bishops(c) W. Musa
The Bishops together with the Principals of Sacred Heart College Mankon, Saint Bede’s Colege, Ashing-Kom, Our Lady of Lourdes, Mankon and Bishop NKOU of Kumbo Diocese and the President of Bamenda Episcopal Conference, BAPEC, have all been summoned for same alleged crime.
The signatories of the release have called on all Christians to remain calm and peaceful but pray for their lives.
The Consortium of Parents is demanding the sum of 150.000.000 FCFA as special and general damages.
By Wilson MUSA
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