Wednesday, April 19, 2017

How can we overcome factionalism and polarization in the Southern Cameroon struggle?

It is important to take note of the fact that attempts to restore the statehood of Southern Cameroon started just a little after the late former president of the federal united republic of Cameroons, Amadou Ahidjo desolved multi-party politics and instituted a one party system in a bit to consolidate his grip on power  in 1966. Under the one party system , Ahidjo had sealed the fate of the people of Souther Caneroon at the helm of which he in conjunction with La Republigue, he asserted unwavering authority and allowed no room for descent.In the heat of such an authoritarian dictatorship, a few courageous Southern Cameroonians started agitating for an end to Ahidjo’s monolithic rule and a return to the union agreement of 1961 which never saw the dawn of the  the sun for even a day prominent amongst whom you have the right revered late Albert Mukong who stood up and fought tooth and nail all his entire life to realize his life time dream of the Southern Cameroon state-hood to which he paid the altimate price , suffered intimidation and persecution at the hands of his oppressors late Ahidjo and the devil himself president Paul Bivondo Bathelemi Biya.
In the course of the years while Ahidjo manipulated events with the complicity of France assisted by Biya as priminister at the time to change the form of the state from Federal republic of Cameroon to United republic of Cameroon, many Southern Cameroonians continued to vent their disatisfaction and dis-approval to Ahidjo’s subjugation and assimilation of the people of Southern Cameroon but under such a dictatorial regime their dis-approval fell on deaf ears and all doors against shut .
On the 2nd of January 1984 when president unilaterally changed again the form of the state from United republic of Cameroon to La republic du Cameroon , he indeed concluded a complete desociation of the State of Southern Cameroon from La republigue du Cameroun, whether he did it by ommission or by commission , that remains a subject for deep thought however challenging that was , that calous decision formed the basis of an even stronger case for the restoration of the State-hood of Southern Cameroon to which late Albert Mukong and the fire brand barrister Gorji Dinka took on, to accelerate the resistance against the brutal regime of Paul Biya for the restoration of the State-hood of Southern Cameroon.
The efforts of the timeless brave , courageous, resilient , unwavering , indefatigable struggle icon in the person of late Albert Mukong are summerized in his own words in a book entittled “prisoner without a crime” , indeed true as an epiteth to his grorious achiements , that history is unfolding inlike manner today ; as we pen down this ominuous passage into history, hundreds if not thousands of Southern Cameroonians are languishing in La republugue jails and torture chambers for their opinions in a country mediatized as democratic.
The real first consensus assembly that ignited nolstagia and sublime sense of belonging came in 1992 and 1993 during AAC  (1) and AAC  (2) in Buea. During those two meetings , Southern Cameroonians jointly took the resolve to push their agenda for the restoration of the State-hood of Southern Cameroon but again under the leadership of Dr Simon Munsu and barrister Elad , they were soon eclipsed by the regime with little effort but far from killing the ideology , killed the messenger and continued to fan the burning desire of the ideology of restoration by continuous harrassment of dedicated Southern Cameroonians to the struggle, in so doing, the drove the movement  aground and awareness was growing where -in activist like ambasador Henry fossung and Nfor Ngala created SOUTHERN CAMEROON NATIONAL CONGRESS as a support structure to accommodate and refine strategies inview of pushing through the restoration, subsequently, the SOUTHERN CAMEROON YOUTH LEAGUE COUNCIL was formed as the youth wing of the movement for same purpose .
Since the beginning of the common law practitioners and teachers strike in 2016 , the resistance has played host to a plethora of factions and polarized groups from syndicates , to labour unions, consortium ,morisc, scacuf, A G C, to SCDF  all with the altimate goal to fast tract the restoration of Southern Cameroon .
The plethora of organisations muscling the restoration struggle if well intended in my view , are not per-say a bad idea but l am very concerned that these different organisations might attract adepts and followers who may reside their loyalty to such appendages than the intended objectives , secondly , polarization might also result to unfair rivary or power tussle and consequently impact negatively our struggle, in the light of the above, l strongly wish to appeal to every single Southern Cameroonian to resharpen his/her sense of purpose to the restoration of Southern Cameroon State-hood and not allegiance to groups or persons.

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