Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Liberation or Independence First and Politics Later by David MAKONGO

We are focused and very close to achieving full autonomy. Each and everyone of us is qualified to lead. But wait let us deliver Ambazonia to our people first and level the playing field before the struggle for who will lead Ambazonia can begin.
Let me make myself very clear, TODAY OUR PRESIDENT is Sisiku Ayuk Julius Tabe and our ACTING PRESIDENT is Dr. Samuel Sako and this is what the world we have been talking to knows and so it shall remain for now until we are free.
Spare all our IDPs, refugees, prisoners of concience, the wounded and the general struggling people on ground zero and abroad the pain until we are fully free, please. This is not the hour for any distractions. If anyone wants to work for Ambazonia today go and help the IDPs, refugees and others suffering until we are free.
What happened yesterday between our leaders was the consequence of a normal misunderstanding that could be fixed without trying to derail our freedom train that is about to arrive at the independence station in Buea. It should never have happened and should never again repeat itself because we risk shooting ourselves in the head.
While we must put this behind us, we must equally qualify this as a distraction by our enemies to try to prevent us from talking about our plight while the UN Human Rights Chief is still on ground zero in response to the loud cry of our people, and this should never again happen amongst us, I beg you guys at the top.
There will be enough power for everyone when we get to Buea, but for now let's be free first.
The devil is Liar I will talk to our leaders. God bless you all.
One love
Dr. David Makongo

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