Friday, May 31, 2019


The seeds of confusion and division planted by LRC right in between us have started manifesting and we must all be watchful and be careful. We have come a long way, thanks to all your sacrifices. Some people think that now is time to make their money over the heads of our suffering masses and at the expense of our liberty and freedom. It won't work.
All of us have put in our best to come this far. As a matter of fact, even France has abandoned LRC and as desperate as they look right now, LRC will spare no amount of money and no single opportunity to try to reverse the table in their own favor. The water is dirty and they can't find clean drinking water anymore.
We are watching with amazing dismay how LRC, out of desperation is already manipulating some of our most once influential people. We have seen how LRC works hard everyday to viciously undermine America because the USA has championed the course for human rights and the global effort to solve the existential problem between LRC and SC right from the root causes.
In their effort to confuse even the international community, in order to keep us captive and continue to kill whenever they want and burn down homes whenever they like, LRC has engaged in a huge scheme to use our leaders in jail either passively or by design to come out of this conflict through the back door. And see the points how they are doing it:
1. Our idol they kidnapped in Nera Hotel in Nigeria for fighting to liberate us, they have suddenly allowed them to form an alternative government from where they have kept them under their custody and still control them even though we have an AIG that though not perfect, it is not completely imperfect either. (It is under this leadership that the international community is now talking the right talk about our problems). Can you change your horse in the middle of a race? If you can't, Don't blame our leadership in jail but shine your eyes and see where LRC is coming from to try and defeat us.
2. Our abducted idol has written and signed recommendations to the UNO for dialogue from where LRC keeps and controls them just immediately after the acting interim Government has sent conditions for dialogue to the UNO. Is this not the work of the devil? Again, don't blame our leadership in jail but shine your eyes and see where LRC is coming from to try and defeat us.
3. Just now again we hear the AAC has been convened in Bamanda. Something that Government first denied to hold in Buea. Do you know why? How can Anglophones have a problem with the leadership in Francophone and then it is Anglophones who are holding their own conference to solve their own problems without the Francophones nor those who helped to create the problem in the first place? The answer is to use a few privileged slaves in order to enslave all of us again for another 60 years plus.
Let's tell them the truth that this is a sovereignty problem, a problem of a stolen identity because of our natural resources. It is because they want to adopt quick resolutions carrying an Anglophone logo that will favor our continued stay in captivity and their continued exploitation of our natural resources that they are organizing this nonsense conference.
This people have no intentions to end this war since a few of the privileged amongst them are making a whole lot of money out of it at the expense of the blood and sweat of our suffering people. They will all be defeated and put to shame.
Personally, I'm firm, confident and focused. I understand the game and I won't allow money or manipulation to take over the best side of me and I urge you all to do the same. Ground zero is firm and the Diaspora is firm. Anyone who is not is not qualified to be free.
H.E. Sisiku is not the problem. LRC wants to destroy him for bringing us this far but they want his people to do this dirty job for them. I therefore, appeal to you all, not to fall for this temptation to dishonor and disrespect him because President Sisiku could be saying in his mind that he hopes we all can understand that he is not free so we should not fall for whatever he says or ask us to do. In other words he could be saying follow the revolution not me. He is a smart man but LRC will not allow him do anything at this moment that he still is inside their dragnet that goes against their interest. This for sure can never happen and we must be very smart and highly vigilant.
Everyone keep their lane. No new groups, no new conferences, no new leaders because not even their new abductions or continuing killings can solve this conflict; not even bribery, manipulation, conspiracy and confusion can stop this God ordained struggle.
We must allow those who are in command now in ground zero and in the IG pf Sako to complete the job. We are all one and let's keep emotions aside and not abandon our own just because LRC led us to that. We refuse. The time shall come when we are in Buea for anyone to rule or decide who their leader would be?
Only an all inclusive dialogue that takes into account the views of the Diaspora and the self defense groups to discuss the root causes of the war and that gives the people of Southern Cameroons/Ambazonia a clear chance to determine their own future can solve this conflict once and for all. Make no mistake our people on ground zero know what is manipulation when they see it. It smells like a stinking rat if don by LRC trying to use anyone of us.
Don't fall for the division, don't fall for their money and their manipulation. Ground zero and Ambazonians in general are very smart and wise now more than ever before. They don't care who you the heck anyone is. If you stand on the way of their freedom, survival and independence they will completely forget about you even if you are the one feeding them. Even i am not safe if I just mess up and our people discover I'm not working for their common good. Take note.
Finally my friends, we have come a long way, Buea we all have been waiting for is no longer far. So stop killing yourselves with insults and falling for division. No one is above this struggle and no one can kill it. If you toe the line you will be counted as a liberator and not an enabler because our train is arriving and everyone must be on board.
One Love
Dr. David Makongo

Our Muslim Scholar Gives His Candid Position on the Present Leadership Muddle as published by Dave WANTANGWA

Southern Cameroons Leadership Muddle.

Many people have urged me to speak to the on-going saga between the IP and the AIP.
If i have been publicly mute on the matter, it is because the muddle stems up by and large from political bargains (which are unnecessary in a Revolution). It is worth mentioning that; i am not a politicians neither am i rapt in politics-especially within a life and death revolution.
My Position📍.
1▪️Sesekou remains my IP:- This should not be confused with referring to any governance from the jails of LRC or any jail for that matter. But IP could give advisory directives and be given basic information when and where secure and necessary.
2▪️ Dr Sako abides as my AIP:- This office in my opinion Acts for the IP. IP deserves all the respect and liaison. Meantime, IP must realize the AIP is in charge until God brings him home.
3▪️ Perhaps one day, all these conflicts will end, and it won't be because of great statesmen or churches or organizations like this one. It'll be because people have changed. They'll be like you, puffin. More a mixture. So why not become a mongrel? It's healthy.”
1▪️ My IP Sir, please relax and fly the plane when you can. Consider us on the ground. We hurt the most. We are dying, punished, under the rains in forests etc. Please loaf Sir. Do not listen to negativity from surrogates.
2▪️ My AIP Sir, Do not listen to negativity from surrogates. Relax and Pilot the plane. consider the massive suffering of us on the ground. Use your usual candor and remedy this dilemma.
3▪️ My fellow activists and comrades, please let us quit washing our very very dirty linens in public. We sell out out 80% of strategies and plans and execute 20% poorly to say the least.
4▪️ Surrogates. you are becoming more of enablers dear brothers and sisters. This thing I am feeling, I’m almost certain, is the closest I’ll ever come to standing somewhere in between truth and reconciliation.
I remind us all of the Golden Rule "Do unto others as you will want them to do unto you" -luke 6:31
Dear comrades and ultimate lamps.
▪️Do not despair, The wind shall pass and water shall find it's level.
▪️They plan and God also plans, But God is the best of planners. And God is with you and i.
▪️ Our IG will find its balance.
▪️ Don't believe everything you find on social media.
▪️ Focus on protecting yourself and family.
▪️ Assist our IDPs best you can.
▪️ Look up to your flag and motherland first.
Truly Yours.
Abdulkarim Ali

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

The Unexpected Twist by Nellborg Steve

From my reading of things, Fontem is the undercover unionist Biya commissioned to inject new blood in his defeated team of coup plotters. He is to me, what is usually refered to as a wolf in sheep's clothing. A first class pretender. He might have been mistaken for a shrewd gentleman had he remained in his slumber. Wise men regret their silence while fools regret their words. He has virtually used his mouth to fan the flames right above his boil. He willfully positioned himself on the wrong side of history. Everyone who attempted to bring down the IG and remained unrepentant has and continues to suffer the same fate that just met Fontem! Don't be surprised that some power drunk wannabes will still make the mistake of thinking that they have a better plot than the previous coup plotters. Simpletons can't learn from their mistakes, talk less of learning from the mistakes of others. Fontem will now join his type to eat of the bile prepared for traitorous.
The IG remains one and indivisible but as usual people are allowed to walk away from it while others walk into it. It happens every day. Nothing new about that. We stand firmly with our one and indivisible IG that shall not be run from prison. Only MENTALLY UNSTABLE people can buy the idea of the IG being run from Biya's dungeon!
No one man is bigger than this revolution. No to the entitlement spirit of ascribing special allegiances to individuals as people to whom the revolution belongs. This revolution belongs to the people!!!!! I respect Mancho for acting as the catalyst that brought the masses into the revolution. The people were ready when he showed up and so they joined him. While teachers and lawyers became weary along the way, the people continued to maintain the resistance. When Mancho's part was done, he gave way to others and never appeared to try to impose his will on that of the people. He was wise enough to know that the power of the people is greater than the people in power. Very recent history abounds with examples of people power chasing away the people in power for those with stable minds to learn from. All those inciting people by telling them that the revolution belongs to them are only bloating their egos and exposing them to fatal blunders.
FREE ADVICE: If the people reject you and you think you still have a lot to offer, it is wise to step aside and let them move on. If they feel your worth after that, they will come back for you and cherish you even more thereafter. But trying to force your will on them is tantamount to running against a moving train.
As for Dr. Sako, he is like yeast that rises every time he is put under pressure. And of course the gas that powers the heat that causes the pressure ebbs away like laundry soap. The Restoration Council that was already working on amending the proposed cabinet has not stopped work for one second because of the unwarranted distraction. They also consulted with the LGA representatives and work is in progress. Once their work will be completed, the AP will approve and that would be it. It's a shame that regressives celebrated the idea that our revolution should be run from Biya's torture chamber and by ghost in the form of Xs.only known to Sesekou. Hold your ears now, once and for all:
Nellborg Steve

Will Sissiku Run the Struggle from Jail? by CANDIDA

Sisiku running the struggle from jail?
Biya will arrest our leaders, keep them and allow them to run the revolution from his jail, so, if they can run the revolution from jail, then what was the need for LRC to arrest them in the first place?. We have to see beyond our emotions.
Sisiku carries a team of intellectuals to Nera Hotel, holds a meeting without arranging for extra security to protect them, talk less of even making arrangements with the Hotel guards to keep an eye on them. They bundled all of them like bags of cassava and took them to jail. Suddenly transferred them to LRC with the worst dungeons on earth. It is in LRC dungeons that, the clumsy and short sighted leadership will be able to run the struggle, on empty stomachs, surrounded by cruel guards watching them and speaking in a strange language?
Is Sisiku more Ambazonian than Sako or what classes him more superior that, he can run the struggle indispensably? We owe him respect as our first leader and the face of the struggle, but if he continues to #despise Sako, then he is digging a lagoon for himself. SAME Sisiku OPPOSED Balla WHEN HE WAS TRYING TO RUN THE CONSORTIUM FROM JAIL. I remember, he suggested that, WHEN Balla LEAVES JAIL, HE SHOULD GO FOR MEDICAL CHECK UP TO ASCERTAIN HIS STATE OF MIND. It is so funny that, some people have not seen the job done by Sako. Dr Sako has upped the game of self defense on GZ. Red carpeting alone in the days of Sisiku was never going to deliver us Ambaland. Dr Sako came and took a radical approach, and today, we have County by county, LGA by LGA which has reduced traffic jam with useless Gofundme online to armed bandits. We can see diplomat after diplomat visiting LRC due to tension on GZ.
I was in Berlin, I saw the harmony, brotherhood, love and passion amongst Ambazonians. People flew from places I had never heard of and came to Berlin. We were like a big family. The unity I saw in Berlin, if taken to GZ, Ambaland will be the best in the world. These are also achievements of IG under Sako. We are not going to spend our whole time forming new structures when our children are not going to school, when they are killing our people like ants. It takes resources and time to set up new structures. Those who do not want to support the struggle because Sako is in charge, can resign and work as individuals, Afterall, there are a lots of sole initiatives out there.
Leadership is not the problem in the Ambazonian struggle, it is #egoism. Resurrect JF Kennedy or Martin Lurther king, or Mandela, or Fidel Castrol and make to lead the Ambazonian struggle, you will still have the red, black and blue horses complaining!
Author: Candida

My Reply To Some Detractors by Nellborg Steve

Here's a reply I gave to a detractor who poured out his frustration on me blaming me for the mess the SA cabal is putting Sesekou throug. Someone suggested it is edifying so I should post it here for more readership:
Pirelli Pirelli your frustration is what will kill you. Is Nellborg Steve the one who asked Ayuk to dissolve cabinet from jail? Is it Nellborg Steve that asked Ayuk to join the conspirators of the APNC? Is it Nellborg Steve that asked Ayuk to deceive the people of Ambazonia that VP XXX is on GZ? Is it Nellborg Steve that asked Ayuk to romance Milan and hate Pa Tassang over the exposure of SCAPAC funds? Is it Nellborg Steve that organized the abduction meeting at Nera? Is it Nellborg Steve that asked Millan to refuse to answer to the people's investigation commission on the Nera saga? Is it Nellborg Steve that asked Ayuk to take sides in a matter he was listening only to one side and ended up siding with the traitors and abandoning the people? Is it Nellborg Steve that told Ayuk to cunningly control budget through Tabenyang while in prison? Is it Nellborg Steve that asked Ayuk to embolden SCCOPers and make them feel the revolution and IG was their property?...I could go on and on and on. Were these guys not lucked up because Biya wanted to stop them from prosecuting this revolution? How come lrc media are supporting his ruling from prison now? How come they are the ones publishing his information from jail? If his involvement was to be in favour of the revolution would they be so happy with his decision from jail? If this guy was acting in favour of the resistance would it be hard for Biya to keep him incommunicado again? Is it news to you that Millan Atam and his SCCOP have supported federation on several occasions publicly? Don't you see that Ayuk is a member of his SCCOP? Can't you see that Biya is trying by all means as he explained on his page that he will be dialoging with moderates bc as we all know there's huge pressure on him? Where have you kept your brains? Can't you think for a moment?
What's this obsession about Ayuk anyway? How special is he from the many others that are in jail with him? Or those who have died? You guys can continue to join Milan to destroy Ayuk. Don't rest until you destroy him completely. We will accompany you in the process. Bunch of power mongers whom through gossips have made Ayuk so insecure that he is now stepping out to destroy his legacy. Who could have believed that within one week he will bring down himself so low? Now some of you are crying about videos made on GZ by restoration forces supporting Sako but you did not complain when RK created a group and said it was paying allegiance to Ayuk and not to the flag. If as Anyange states we are preparing a South Sudan who is the cause? Who is supporting a warlord killing our own people like Cho? How come you guys are talking about mttb but forgetting SCAPAC funds for which Ms Fonmuki has evidence of embezzlement by Milan? Why is Ayuk shutting his eyes to that? Why are you guys joining with Cho who kills people for pleasure in the background instead of holding him accountable for the murders? So anything against Sako is good for you guys? It's this same obsession you have against Sako that will bring you down.You think Fontem came into the picture by chance?
See go and play those mind games with people who are not talking from well informed perspectives. Your manipulation will not work here. I will delete any comments attempting to thwart public opinion on my page henceforth. Go to SCBC and do it there. They want to destroy the revolution through SCBC and want Sako's IG to pay for it. Now you guys will put your money where your mouths are. The game just changed!
Another comment below the one above:
Pirelli Pirelli we all accepted him as the face of the revolution until those who decided to climb on his neck to rise did what they did. Your monumental hate for Sako is what is killing you all. There's nothing Sako is guilty of that Sesekou is not guilty of. The turth is that Sako has acheived far more than Sesekou did in his time. His era was dedicated to diplomacy but till date I am yet to see one benefit that emanated thereof. With the help of Millan Atam they told lies to the people of Ambaonian about our recognition here and there. Do you know that Ayuk's cell was raided two weeks ago? Look there's so much we are not saying not because we don't know. Ayuk has set a ball rolling that he can no longer control. It's SA that is now speaking on his behalf and don't care about his name and I blame him for that because he has given them confidence believing they will make him greater than what he was. They can't accept defeat and have decided to drag him down with them. Sometimes when you want too much, you end up with nothing. They will only drag down themselves because we will continue with the education of the masses much to your displeasure. Talking about diplomacy, did SCCOP not come out to support diplomacy. I saw Jacinta Fon anI Terry Apopo posting about their god Millan who went to the AU on a diplomatic mission, how did it end? What has Ayuk's SCCOP actually acheived. Before they point fingers at others they must examine themselves. No one has brought a good idea in the revolution to Sako and he has refused to implement it. Eric brought the idea of CbC which was in line with the Amba Peace Plan of Sako and it was implemented. What has SCCOP been selling? "Imbizo" - whatever it means and a blue beret. Must they sit on Sako's seat before they can contribute to the revolution? What is this obsession after Sako? This Cho they are partnering with has he not committed worse crimes than they are accusing Sako of committing. You have to be blind not to see the witch hunt. It's all about power isn't it?
Sesekou embolded them and endorsed the APNC after listening to gossip from Millan the gossip monger so whatever they produce in his name will be attached to his name accordingly.
I will address Sesekou when I am confident that he can get my mail

Everyone of Us Must Get to Work Now! by Dr. David MAKONGO

We must safe ourselves the embarrassment of almost wasting two whole days without being able to put pressure on the UN human rights boss who is in Yaounde to also meet with his H.E. Sisiku Ayuk Tabe in Kondengui after meeting with President Biya, collecting gifts and accepting to be decorated without the least molecule of decorum.
Yes, if we feel the same pain of our President Sisiku and our people, if we are not just looking for personal decorations too or dollars over the suffering of our people, we must all get back to work now and put pressure on the Human rights boss not to leave Cameroon without also:
1. Asking to meet with and demanding the immediate release of President Ayuk Tabe!
2. Demanding to meet with some of our IDPs not based in Yaounde but on ground zero!
3. Demanding to meet with Barrister Fru and Justice Aya Paul and Barrister Balla at least!
4. Demanding to be taken to the different prisons and locations where our people are being detained or burned alive!
5.Demanding the release of all our people and the immediate removal of all LRC military personnel from Southern Cameroons!
6. Express our readiness and Demand for immediate dialogue without preconditions on a neutral ground that address the root causes of the conflict!
Think about it again for a moment, while all time was being wasted over leadership nothingness, LRC almost succeeded in diverting our attention only to our internal problems so we dont focus on their atrocities while UN human rights Chief is in Yaounde. LRC wanted to undermine the Presidency of Ambazonia by timely setting in confusion between the IP and the AIP where no one should exist, while projecting their president to the human rights chief as the only one capable of solving this problem, so needless meeting our President in Kondengui. How can we afford to do this to ourselves?
Fellow comrades, if you believe like I do that the blood of our slain children, women and people is important and must not be spilled in vain, we must get back to work right now and start calling on UN Human rights Chief to visit our President in Kondengui and others whose rights are being abused by LRC with impunity.
We must remind her why she came to Cameroon; that was not to get decorated by the worst human rights record holders. What an irony?
Let us remind everyone that this struggle is not about who leads and who must give orders to Ambazonians! We must stop opening new fronts in this struggle while we still have hills such as the Buea mountain before us to climb. Unite and ttop fighting each other while we steal have hunger, illnesses and the suffering of our people to urgently address.
Let's focus on the enemy and not on leadership until we get the job done and our independence is fully secured. You don't have to be a leader or own a group in order to donate money or help someone in need or push for our freedom. No. All that is needed now is our full commitment and focuse. And will be free. That's all.
WE hail ground zero and all of you in this platform who did not fall for the devil's bait to divide us again along Sisiku and Sako lines. You showed wisdom and total mastery of the political game of divide and conquer.
Regardless of the decorations or what did or did not transpires in Yaounde, you can be reassured that we are a free independent people already. And this will soon come to pass as we all focus and get back to work.
Spare yourself the pain and ignore or delete any message from whosoever including myself if such a message is only trying to divide us at a time we must focus. Never listen to anything again that is about groups or leaders if it is not directly linked to taking us to freedom and independence.
One Love, God bless you!

Liberation or Independence First and Politics Later by David MAKONGO

We are focused and very close to achieving full autonomy. Each and everyone of us is qualified to lead. But wait let us deliver Ambazonia to our people first and level the playing field before the struggle for who will lead Ambazonia can begin.
Let me make myself very clear, TODAY OUR PRESIDENT is Sisiku Ayuk Julius Tabe and our ACTING PRESIDENT is Dr. Samuel Sako and this is what the world we have been talking to knows and so it shall remain for now until we are free.
Spare all our IDPs, refugees, prisoners of concience, the wounded and the general struggling people on ground zero and abroad the pain until we are fully free, please. This is not the hour for any distractions. If anyone wants to work for Ambazonia today go and help the IDPs, refugees and others suffering until we are free.
What happened yesterday between our leaders was the consequence of a normal misunderstanding that could be fixed without trying to derail our freedom train that is about to arrive at the independence station in Buea. It should never have happened and should never again repeat itself because we risk shooting ourselves in the head.
While we must put this behind us, we must equally qualify this as a distraction by our enemies to try to prevent us from talking about our plight while the UN Human Rights Chief is still on ground zero in response to the loud cry of our people, and this should never again happen amongst us, I beg you guys at the top.
There will be enough power for everyone when we get to Buea, but for now let's be free first.
The devil is Liar I will talk to our leaders. God bless you all.
One love
Dr. David Makongo

Some Ambazonians Want Dr. David Makongo to Lead. He says "Spare Me".

Not at this moment of favour and miracle in the history of our struggle that thanks to the focus of GROUND ZERO and the blessings of GOD the UN Security Council will hear our problem people will still be calling me or anyone to take over power.
I can't be used to distract and derail this struggle and no one will be allowed to. Can anyone tell me what my leadership or any new leader will stand to accomplish now that will be greater than the achievement for the first time in the history of this struggle the UN Security Council will be having a hearing on our conflict?
As a people who know what we want, our sense of urgency must now be shifted only to mobilizing the entire Diaspora to go down to the UNITED Nations Plaza and give support to the US Government's resolution.
Now is not time to create new leaders and bring more confusion. It is the moment to organize ourselves better in order to respond to the immediate needs of our IDPs, POS, refugees and all our people suffering at home and abroad.
For now, we are happy with H.E. Ayuk Tabe as our Interim President and Dr. Sako as our Acting Interim President and I bow down to both men with all the respect that I have inside my body. No one should try to divide us between the this two men. It is this leadership that has gotten us this far where we are today and so it shall remain for now until we are free to give the people of Southern Cameroons Ambazonia and a chance to democratically elect their own leaders and demovartically remove them as well.
For now, we want more people to volunteer and lead us in humanitarian endeavors and not the revolution itself. We have enough leaders and more than enough groups leading us already so it won't be wise to create new strong men or new strong groups.
From what I hear, there will be no negotiations without first releasing our revolutionary goverment that is in Kondengui and our President H.E. Sisiku Ayuk Tabe. For our people in prison and the government in Kondengui hold the key to any negotiations.
For now and until then, we already have an Acting Interim Government that has brought us this far at a time that our leaders are all in jail and we badly want them out to complete the job which they started. But until then I'm not doing all that I'm doing for power and no one will use me to set confusion at a time we need maximum focus in this struggle. DR. Sako and his team should continue and focus on the next task ahead of us. This is what our people want at least for now.
This is my honest call to all Ambazonians to protect your revolution and focus on May 13th demonstrations in New York. You are cautioned that you will see all kinds of things now either from the camp of the enemy or the enemy trying to use some of us to derail your journey to total freedom and independence so stand firm to protect and give ground zero the independence they have laid their lives down for and that they so much deserve.
One Love
Dr. David Makongo

SW Chiefs React the threats from the Governor Okalia Bilai as published by Dave WANTANGWA

We saw it coming!
We suspected it would happen one day!
We knew the silence of the traditional rulers all this while as they observed their ancestral lands being shattered and shared like groundnuts thrown to little kids was a time bomb.
We knew one day some little foolish act would ignite the blast.
It had to happen after all, because as it is often said, "too much of everything is a disease" that must be treated and cured - and why not eradicated?
The time has now come for the difference to be shown between the landlord and the tenant!
The time has now come for those who were considered as fools to prove their intelligence!
The time has now come for people to know the owner and the thief!
The time has now come to identify the giver and the taker!
It is a truism that you can fool a people most of the time but you cannot fool them all the time.
The time for reckoning has come and there shall be gnashing of teeth and in that process there will be another stiff resistance from the thieves and land grabbers.
We know the number of plots each and everyone owns.
We know especially what Mr Okalia Bilai Bernard from the time he served as Senior Divisional Officer in Fako and when he came back as governor the enormous volume of hectares of lands that he has grabbed in Fako Division starting with the Molyko surrender, Krata, Ngeme, Wovia, Limbola, GRA,
Batoke, Njonji, Idenau, Wonjoku just to name a few.
We know what even the late Zang III had amassed but we have traditionally solved his case as nemesis caught up with him and he ended up disposing almost all what he had grabbed during his tumultuous administrative passage in Fako.
We have a chronological record of what the present Senior Divisional Officer has so far in Ngeme, Idenau, Mutengene, Tiko just to name a few.
We know what the Divisional Officer Kouam Wokam Paul has in several village surrenders in Buea Sub Division and how he acquired the millions to erect the mansion where he is presently living.
We know about the many illegal villages created in Tiko Sub Division in particular by the Divisional Officer in total disrespect to the prevailing texts which are obtained in the Republic all in a bid to amass land and money. The cases of villages like WONGANJO, FUE, BWINGA I and BWINGA II just to cite these few are meant to serve that purpose.
We do not want to mention the illegal creation of the layout behind the Golf Club in Likomba which, not even one single indigen of Tiko was taken into consideration in the allocation.
The situation is so appalling and it neccesitates a public denunciation and it could judiciously be considered as crimes to humanity.
We have not known, heard or seen no where in Cameroon where LAYOUTS are created without the authorisation of the Minister in charge of Lands as stipulated by the rules and regulations of the Republic but under the verbal instructions of the Senior Divisional Officers and in the case of Buea, it is the Mayor and his chartered surveyor Simplice Kemongne of the Regional Service of Surveys.
Such illegal creations abound in Buea, like the case of the Government Teachers Training College land, the University of Buea land, the Government Technical High School Molyko land, the MALOKI family land at West Farm, GRA just to mention a few.
Thank God the Traditional Rulers after the nonsense declarations by Mr Okalia Bilai - governor of the Region ordering them to march pass during the 20th May National Day celebration with placards that his puppet mayor would provide for the "poor" chiefs who may complain not to have money to produce the placards, going by the governor's words, have risen like ONE MAN to say Enough is Enough!!
You people have over done it to us and our people are not happy to swallow that rubbish anymore.
You have over lived your usefulness with us.
You have stolen our patrimony with impunity and now is the payback time.
You better give back our ancestral lands or we invoke the wraths of our gods to take care.
The College of Traditional Rulers of Fako in conclave

The Divisional Officer for Buea, Defends the Governor of the SW Region by David MAKONGO

While defending his boss, the Divisional Officer for Buea threatens Fako chiefs with criminal punishment just for expressing their regrets towards Governor's orders demanding all chiefs march with placards on May 20th.
My friends, each time I want to keep my distance a bit, the painful pronouncement of these colonial administration and the daily suffering they have deeply plunged our people into keep dragging and hurting me. I must confess.
Chai God, why all this temptations? Someone tell this colonial rulers to stop this provocation. Even if our chiefs have sold their rights we won't standby for too long and watch them disrespect us and tear down our culture and tradition just as they are killing our people on a daily bases with reckless impunity.
While I still keep my calm I urge and demand that everyone forget and forgive the mistakes of our chiefs and stand firmly behind them. This is a big challenge and this is colonial rule in full display that we must all stick together and abolish.
My friends, Who born dog? Go ahead and jail our chief let's see!! Enough is enough!! We are free and gone!!
Dr. David Makongo