What we are about to witness between the Anglophones and
the francophones is actually a remake, a perfect replica of history. For
those who were there in the 1960 or who read the stories, they will
surely agree with me.
When UPC independents that were tagged as terrorists by the French backed Ahidjo regime were pursued for extermination, many indigenes from the BAMBOUTOS plateau of the Grand West; DSCHANG, BANGOU, MBOUDA, BAFOUSSAM and other interior villages sought refuge in Ambazonia.
The same argument held for the Anti-colonialists who hailed from the SANAGA-MARITIME and BASSA areas in principal villages like EDEA, MWANKO, MARIEMBERG, EKITE, DIZANGE, POUMA, BOUMNYEBEL right up to OTELE at the out skirts of Yaoundé.
Entire such villages were razed to the ground by incendiary bombs that were airlifted by the LRC military in the same way as it is happening in Ambazonia now. Scores of people were exterminated and disposed of in mass graves with a gruesome 2 million citizens losing their lives and many people went unaccounted for. Families were separated in different directions as people fled for their lives, with many people never having an account of their loved ones, if they were alive or dead.
Those who survived or who were smart enough to escape the Ahidjo killer squads sought refuge in Ambazonia that was far removed from the conflict.
Such havens included KUPE MUANENGUBA, LIMBE and the BAKASSI Peninsular. Kupe Muanenguba was favourable because of its hilly nature and its dense forests which were seemingly impenetrable by LRC forces. These hills, caves and dense forests served as a perfect hideout for those who fled the war. For the Coastal areas, the Sea, the Creeks and the Islands served as an escape route and a hide out from oppressive post colonial forces.
Those who fled LRC and sought refuge in Ambazonia are the ones we now call the MBO Anglophones, the BASSA Anglophones and the BAMILEKE Anglophones. Let it be known that many of these people had their names changed by adopted local names for fear of identification and imminent victimization.
While many of the Bamilekes who fled the oppression genuinely sought refuge Kupe Muanenguba, some Bamilekes actually came there to act as spies for LRC. This double game was part of what triggered the Bakassi-Bamileke war. The Bakossis desperately wanted the Bamilekes to leave their land, having felt betrayed by the actions of the latter. Xenophobia rose to the high heavens to a point where Ahidjo asked all Bamilekes to leave Bakossi lands so that he could send planes to bomb the entire area and kill all the Bakossis. By some twist of faith the bombing never occurred. Till date, there has been an uneasy relationship between both entities.
Yet again, in Foumban 1961, Anglophones felt betrayed by the grand OUEST (The Bamilekes are not the only tribe in the OUEST region). What was supposed to be a serious Constitutional arrangement that will determine the destiny and the future of a people ended up being a socio-cultural jamboree and a SEX ORGY. Once again, our brothers from the OUEST were sent to do the dirty job against the Anglophones. Ahidjo instructed the Paramount Ruler of the Bamoun (NJOYA) to TAKE CARE of the Anglophone Delegates that came from the Anglophone region.
I have a problem with the expression to take care of someone. Not only is the expression ambiguous but it is highly bipolar.
For example, in Military terms, to take care of someone means to KILL HIM. In this context, the expression is actually a code.
In ordinary context, to take care of someone means to ensure that the person is kept as comfortable as possible at the expense of the host.
So when Ahidjo instructed the Sultan of the Bamoun to take care of our Anglophone brothers, what was the insinuation?
Two fridges will all sorts of assorted wines was kept in every room of the Principal Delegates like FONCHA, MUNA, JUA and ENDELEY, while two of the very BEST of the Bamoun women each had to take care of them. The Ordinary Delegates had one fridge and one hostess to take care of them as well.
The choice of the women was not left to chance. I mean the VERY BEST, for those who know Bamoun women, the huge, gorgeous, sleek, voluptuous and light-skinned from the Royal Palace had to ensure that our Delegates had the BEST SEX ever of their lifetimes. The Bamoun women; as smooth as honey down your throat and very crafty and cunning, very dangerous women who can go to any length to get what they want. They even took pictures together to ensure that it remained a memorable event of a lifetime.
That is how the Anglophones who were so over-drunk with choicest wines and sex didnt meet their objective of working on an inclusive constitution that will safeguard Anglophone interests.
60 years later, Anglophones still blame Foumban for the sell out.
Indeed it was a job well done, reason why the NJOYAs have remained an integral part of all Ahidjo and Biya Post Colonial Governments, in recompense for a job well done. IBRAHIM MBOMBO NJOYA has occupied all kinds of Ministerial portfolios over the years and he is now Senator. Adamou NDAM NJOYA also occupied a number of portfolios including minister of Education where he extended his anti Anglophone sentiments by wanting to abolish the London GCE that was written across the Mungo in those days.
When Irene Biya died, the OUEST even proposed RABIATOU NJOYA for a wife to further cement their union. Even though that didnt work, Chantal Biyas solved the equation as her mom hails from the OUEST Region. That show these things work.
What is the symbol of the Bamoun Empire? A snake with two heads. They are neither this way nor that way. They eat from both sides of the plate, playing the role of the bat; when the animals are winning they take sides with them, presenting their teeth, when the birds are winning they take sides with them, brandishing their wings.
I had friends from that area who could neither speak good French or good English because they want to identify with both the francophones and the Anglophones at the same time.
The anti OUEST or anti Bamileke syndrome is understandable. In the past and even now, many Bamilekes who posed as Anglophones were given scholarships to study abroad in lieu of bonafide Anglophones.
To crown it all, a Bamileke man has now been assigned to head military operations in Ambazonia, colonel DJOTSA.
Bad as all these may be, much water has flowed down the bridge over time and attacking the francophones or asking them to leave our land will have negative consequences on our struggle. Regardless of the fact that emotions are running high in the wake of hate speech and xenophobic and belligerent rhetoric we must not let emotion to take the best of us. Our focus should be retained on the struggle and not on distraction or emotion.
I read a concise paper from a certain DON WANOBI about QUEBEC. There is no way anyone can tell me that there are no English speaking Canadians living in Quebec. There is no country that doesnt have Diplomatic Relations.
LRC may be our worst enemy today but if we get independence, we will still establish Diplomatic and Trade Relations with them. With the Structural Integration of World Systems (Globalization), no country is an island. Travel, Technology and Trade has pushed even the Cold War countries to pull down their selfish barriers. Im not sure there are no Iranians living in the US and there are no Americans doing some kind of business in Iran.
As most of us are abroad, we must remember that those in Ground Zero are already paying a HEAVY PRICE and we must not make life more unbearable for them than it already is. As it stands, our brothers in ground zero are already going through the worst. The essence of keeping the struggle alive is to retain the sympathy and the confidence of our brothers on Ground Zero. If Ground Zero loses our confidence then rest assured that things will back fire on the struggle.
Before anyone asks the Francophones to leave Ambazonia, let that person ensure that about TWO MILLION Anglophones who have built houses and established business in LRC return home.
Let’s be reminded that the entire BONABERI in Douala is an Anglophone zone. In Yaounde, there are huge Anglophone settlements in ETOUG EBE, BIYAM ASSI, MENDONG, SIMBOCK MVOG ADA, MELEN, OBILI to name a few.
In the MUNGO division our brothers are fishing and farming in SOUZA, PENJA, NKONGSAMBA, LOUM and other villages.
In KYE OSSI in the South Region there are Anglophones there at the border with Equatorial Guinea and Gabon who are doing cross-border trade.
In the East region in YOKADUMA there are Anglophones there who are doing business.
In NGAOUNDERE and GAROUA there are many Anglophone businessmen there as well. So let us ensure that all of our return before we start pursuing the Francophones.
No one should believe that we have a monopoly of violence or of witchcraft. As we plan to attack the Francophones, lets be reminded that they will also attack us in these and in other Regions.
Among the first persons who went out of the way challenged the declaration of war against the Anglophones and he has remained consistent in his write ups in challenging LRC against this war is DIEUDONNE ESSOMBA. This man has mentioned severally that its a SENSELESS WAR that doesnt have the backing of the people and LRC will be DEFEATED. Essomba went further to question the use of the word terrorists by LRC when its leader is talking about one and indivisibility. He has openly challenged the manner in which LRC has handled the crisis so far, calling for dialogue as the only way out. ESSOMBA is a francophone.
PATRICE NGANANG, another francophone spent two good weeks visiting Ambazonia villages and he could not hide his indignation against the Biya Regime. Nganang got so furious that in an emotional outburst, he challenged Biya to a Texas style duel of the yesteryears where he would not hesitate to bury a bullet between Biyas eyes when he saw the carnage that LRC forces had meted out on the same people Biya claims are citizens of the infamous one and indivisible Cameroon. H couldnt understand how a government could be so wicked against its citizens. Nganang spent jail time for supporting the Ambazonians as he called himself an Ambazonian. Upon his release and banishment from LRC, Nganang returned to the USA where he published a book on the Anglophone/Ambazonia crisis, citing all the military atrocities and he even received a recognition from Ambazonians in New England USA for his support of the Ambazonia struggle. NGANANG is a francophone.
MANCHO BBC and over 100 of our brothers including AGBORBALL, FONTEM, TSI CONRARD who have been standing trial for over a year now have had many francophone lawyers in their Defense Counsel. I cite Pr ASSIRA CLAUDE and Barrister HAPPI (one time SDF mayor of Bafoussam). These francophones have challenged the legitimacy of trying civilians in a Military Court, as well as challenging the use of the word “terrorist” on unarmed demonstrators who asked for nothing but the respect of their rights. These people are francophones who have no interest in Ambazonia independence, yet they have stuck out their heads to support our struggle at their expense, knowing how vindictive and villainous the regime in power is.
While our very own English-owned STV (The Mukete’s) preferred to either go mute or to toe the LRC editorial line against the Ambazonians, EQUINOXE TV is the only Station that has made the Anglophone /Ambazonia struggle their personal matter. While many other private TV stations have either been bribed not to report on the struggle or bullied to submission, EQNUINOXE has stood its ground for two years now, championing the Anglophone cause. EQUINOXE has been the only channel that has gone across the border to Nigeria with the AYAH foundation to cover the plight of our refugees who are stranded out there. This station is owned by a Francophone, a Bamileke man, SEVERIN TCHOUNEKU.
The AYAH Foundation, our only hope and perhaps the Anglophone RED CROSS has broken bounds on the humanitarian front, going across the borders severally to help the destitute, the sick and the hospitalized. We have seen our youth taking the initiative, while our parents and grandparents have sat back, wining and dining with their godfathers in Yaoundé. People calling themselves political leaders and political elite, when the same people who voted them are being killed, their homes are burned down, they are are stranded on hills and residing in make shift homes in the jungle while others are stranded in a foreign country. We saw reports of how some families were separated, with members residing in different local councils in Nigeria as they ran for their lives. We saw pregnant women who had to foot it across the bushes for several days without food or water. We saw women with two week old babies on the run.
Of cause this doesnt concern our Political Leaders because they are more concerned about retaining their relationship with LRC so as to protect their Duty Posts or to seek re-election to office in the next elections. Our children have written their names on the sands of time; LENA FABRICE, TEM MARTIN and AYAH AYAH, the one who founded the initiative. These youth have rallied a lot of financial support from home and from abroad as many benevolent have contributed money to ensure that their humanitarian objectives are met. I am sure that many Francophones who sympathize with the carnage in the Anglophone zones have equally contributed to this foundation that takes care of our sick and injured brothers.
I read some comments online and I see many francophones sympathizing with us even though others dont.
Shall we throw away those who are on our side because of those who are against us?
We also have the Anglophones who by no fault of theirs are half breeds, Anglophones who have a parent from across the MUNGO due to intermarriages. Even though they fully identify with us and they support the Struggle, it doesnt negate the fact that they have parental links across the Mungo. Im wondering how the killing of Francophones in Ambazonia will play on their morale, as well as the effect it will have on the Struggle. Those who are calling on Francophones to leave their land should provide a solution for the half breeds
Many francophones support and sympathize with us, even though they do not support our independence. I follow a lot of Debates on satellite TV here and I can even cite names of people and of Francophone Political Parties who have openly accused LRC for causing the escalation of the crisis by arresting those who asked for a Federation. The MRC for example though one of such through its lawyer, Mr. KACK KACK.
There is also the leader of another party JEAN MARC NGOSSE, then there is the PURS, then we have independent minds like BORIS BERTOLT, PATRICE NOUMA, PAUL CHOUTA and others who have been publishing the Military atrocities LRC has inflicted on us. For example, I got the live video of the Burning in LEBIALEM by LRC on BORIS BERTOLTs page, long before our very own MARK BARETA published it.
I was very surprised why there was a popular outrage against BORIS BERTOLT giving a view of the Ambazonia struggle from a francophone view point yet we dont get offended when he publishes Ambazonia stuff on his wall.
We saw the AYAH foundation using francophones on a live coverage to raise awareness over the plight of our refugees and we heard all they said in our favour. Many francophones sympathize with us even if they dont make open declarations for fear of victimization. We need to be careful how we exercise our emotion.
The people we should be angry with are our own brothers who are supporting the same Regime that is killing us.
Who are the ones heading Military operations in Ambazonia? Are ELOKOBI and AGHA not Anglophones?
How many Anglophone Politicians both CPDM and Opposition have denounced the killings and the Military atrocities in Ambazonia?
ACHIDI ACHU did, reason why he was deposed from Senate. Fru Ndi speaks only when it’s in his interest. Was Fru Ndi not asked not to participate in the Senatorials? What was his response?
The SDF is not an Anglophone party, yet who voted him? What about our MPs and Senators?
How can political parties be talking about Elections when 4 out of 6 Divisions in the SW are carnaged and deserted, with bullets flying in all directions while 4 out of 7 Divisions in the NW are at war?
Who is the true enemy here, the Francophones or our very own?
When UPC independents that were tagged as terrorists by the French backed Ahidjo regime were pursued for extermination, many indigenes from the BAMBOUTOS plateau of the Grand West; DSCHANG, BANGOU, MBOUDA, BAFOUSSAM and other interior villages sought refuge in Ambazonia.
The same argument held for the Anti-colonialists who hailed from the SANAGA-MARITIME and BASSA areas in principal villages like EDEA, MWANKO, MARIEMBERG, EKITE, DIZANGE, POUMA, BOUMNYEBEL right up to OTELE at the out skirts of Yaoundé.
Entire such villages were razed to the ground by incendiary bombs that were airlifted by the LRC military in the same way as it is happening in Ambazonia now. Scores of people were exterminated and disposed of in mass graves with a gruesome 2 million citizens losing their lives and many people went unaccounted for. Families were separated in different directions as people fled for their lives, with many people never having an account of their loved ones, if they were alive or dead.
Those who survived or who were smart enough to escape the Ahidjo killer squads sought refuge in Ambazonia that was far removed from the conflict.
Such havens included KUPE MUANENGUBA, LIMBE and the BAKASSI Peninsular. Kupe Muanenguba was favourable because of its hilly nature and its dense forests which were seemingly impenetrable by LRC forces. These hills, caves and dense forests served as a perfect hideout for those who fled the war. For the Coastal areas, the Sea, the Creeks and the Islands served as an escape route and a hide out from oppressive post colonial forces.
Those who fled LRC and sought refuge in Ambazonia are the ones we now call the MBO Anglophones, the BASSA Anglophones and the BAMILEKE Anglophones. Let it be known that many of these people had their names changed by adopted local names for fear of identification and imminent victimization.
While many of the Bamilekes who fled the oppression genuinely sought refuge Kupe Muanenguba, some Bamilekes actually came there to act as spies for LRC. This double game was part of what triggered the Bakassi-Bamileke war. The Bakossis desperately wanted the Bamilekes to leave their land, having felt betrayed by the actions of the latter. Xenophobia rose to the high heavens to a point where Ahidjo asked all Bamilekes to leave Bakossi lands so that he could send planes to bomb the entire area and kill all the Bakossis. By some twist of faith the bombing never occurred. Till date, there has been an uneasy relationship between both entities.
Yet again, in Foumban 1961, Anglophones felt betrayed by the grand OUEST (The Bamilekes are not the only tribe in the OUEST region). What was supposed to be a serious Constitutional arrangement that will determine the destiny and the future of a people ended up being a socio-cultural jamboree and a SEX ORGY. Once again, our brothers from the OUEST were sent to do the dirty job against the Anglophones. Ahidjo instructed the Paramount Ruler of the Bamoun (NJOYA) to TAKE CARE of the Anglophone Delegates that came from the Anglophone region.
I have a problem with the expression to take care of someone. Not only is the expression ambiguous but it is highly bipolar.
For example, in Military terms, to take care of someone means to KILL HIM. In this context, the expression is actually a code.
In ordinary context, to take care of someone means to ensure that the person is kept as comfortable as possible at the expense of the host.
So when Ahidjo instructed the Sultan of the Bamoun to take care of our Anglophone brothers, what was the insinuation?
Two fridges will all sorts of assorted wines was kept in every room of the Principal Delegates like FONCHA, MUNA, JUA and ENDELEY, while two of the very BEST of the Bamoun women each had to take care of them. The Ordinary Delegates had one fridge and one hostess to take care of them as well.
The choice of the women was not left to chance. I mean the VERY BEST, for those who know Bamoun women, the huge, gorgeous, sleek, voluptuous and light-skinned from the Royal Palace had to ensure that our Delegates had the BEST SEX ever of their lifetimes. The Bamoun women; as smooth as honey down your throat and very crafty and cunning, very dangerous women who can go to any length to get what they want. They even took pictures together to ensure that it remained a memorable event of a lifetime.
That is how the Anglophones who were so over-drunk with choicest wines and sex didnt meet their objective of working on an inclusive constitution that will safeguard Anglophone interests.
60 years later, Anglophones still blame Foumban for the sell out.
Indeed it was a job well done, reason why the NJOYAs have remained an integral part of all Ahidjo and Biya Post Colonial Governments, in recompense for a job well done. IBRAHIM MBOMBO NJOYA has occupied all kinds of Ministerial portfolios over the years and he is now Senator. Adamou NDAM NJOYA also occupied a number of portfolios including minister of Education where he extended his anti Anglophone sentiments by wanting to abolish the London GCE that was written across the Mungo in those days.
When Irene Biya died, the OUEST even proposed RABIATOU NJOYA for a wife to further cement their union. Even though that didnt work, Chantal Biyas solved the equation as her mom hails from the OUEST Region. That show these things work.
What is the symbol of the Bamoun Empire? A snake with two heads. They are neither this way nor that way. They eat from both sides of the plate, playing the role of the bat; when the animals are winning they take sides with them, presenting their teeth, when the birds are winning they take sides with them, brandishing their wings.
I had friends from that area who could neither speak good French or good English because they want to identify with both the francophones and the Anglophones at the same time.
The anti OUEST or anti Bamileke syndrome is understandable. In the past and even now, many Bamilekes who posed as Anglophones were given scholarships to study abroad in lieu of bonafide Anglophones.
To crown it all, a Bamileke man has now been assigned to head military operations in Ambazonia, colonel DJOTSA.
Bad as all these may be, much water has flowed down the bridge over time and attacking the francophones or asking them to leave our land will have negative consequences on our struggle. Regardless of the fact that emotions are running high in the wake of hate speech and xenophobic and belligerent rhetoric we must not let emotion to take the best of us. Our focus should be retained on the struggle and not on distraction or emotion.
I read a concise paper from a certain DON WANOBI about QUEBEC. There is no way anyone can tell me that there are no English speaking Canadians living in Quebec. There is no country that doesnt have Diplomatic Relations.
LRC may be our worst enemy today but if we get independence, we will still establish Diplomatic and Trade Relations with them. With the Structural Integration of World Systems (Globalization), no country is an island. Travel, Technology and Trade has pushed even the Cold War countries to pull down their selfish barriers. Im not sure there are no Iranians living in the US and there are no Americans doing some kind of business in Iran.
As most of us are abroad, we must remember that those in Ground Zero are already paying a HEAVY PRICE and we must not make life more unbearable for them than it already is. As it stands, our brothers in ground zero are already going through the worst. The essence of keeping the struggle alive is to retain the sympathy and the confidence of our brothers on Ground Zero. If Ground Zero loses our confidence then rest assured that things will back fire on the struggle.
Before anyone asks the Francophones to leave Ambazonia, let that person ensure that about TWO MILLION Anglophones who have built houses and established business in LRC return home.
Let’s be reminded that the entire BONABERI in Douala is an Anglophone zone. In Yaounde, there are huge Anglophone settlements in ETOUG EBE, BIYAM ASSI, MENDONG, SIMBOCK MVOG ADA, MELEN, OBILI to name a few.
In the MUNGO division our brothers are fishing and farming in SOUZA, PENJA, NKONGSAMBA, LOUM and other villages.
In KYE OSSI in the South Region there are Anglophones there at the border with Equatorial Guinea and Gabon who are doing cross-border trade.
In the East region in YOKADUMA there are Anglophones there who are doing business.
In NGAOUNDERE and GAROUA there are many Anglophone businessmen there as well. So let us ensure that all of our return before we start pursuing the Francophones.
No one should believe that we have a monopoly of violence or of witchcraft. As we plan to attack the Francophones, lets be reminded that they will also attack us in these and in other Regions.
Among the first persons who went out of the way challenged the declaration of war against the Anglophones and he has remained consistent in his write ups in challenging LRC against this war is DIEUDONNE ESSOMBA. This man has mentioned severally that its a SENSELESS WAR that doesnt have the backing of the people and LRC will be DEFEATED. Essomba went further to question the use of the word terrorists by LRC when its leader is talking about one and indivisibility. He has openly challenged the manner in which LRC has handled the crisis so far, calling for dialogue as the only way out. ESSOMBA is a francophone.
PATRICE NGANANG, another francophone spent two good weeks visiting Ambazonia villages and he could not hide his indignation against the Biya Regime. Nganang got so furious that in an emotional outburst, he challenged Biya to a Texas style duel of the yesteryears where he would not hesitate to bury a bullet between Biyas eyes when he saw the carnage that LRC forces had meted out on the same people Biya claims are citizens of the infamous one and indivisible Cameroon. H couldnt understand how a government could be so wicked against its citizens. Nganang spent jail time for supporting the Ambazonians as he called himself an Ambazonian. Upon his release and banishment from LRC, Nganang returned to the USA where he published a book on the Anglophone/Ambazonia crisis, citing all the military atrocities and he even received a recognition from Ambazonians in New England USA for his support of the Ambazonia struggle. NGANANG is a francophone.
MANCHO BBC and over 100 of our brothers including AGBORBALL, FONTEM, TSI CONRARD who have been standing trial for over a year now have had many francophone lawyers in their Defense Counsel. I cite Pr ASSIRA CLAUDE and Barrister HAPPI (one time SDF mayor of Bafoussam). These francophones have challenged the legitimacy of trying civilians in a Military Court, as well as challenging the use of the word “terrorist” on unarmed demonstrators who asked for nothing but the respect of their rights. These people are francophones who have no interest in Ambazonia independence, yet they have stuck out their heads to support our struggle at their expense, knowing how vindictive and villainous the regime in power is.
While our very own English-owned STV (The Mukete’s) preferred to either go mute or to toe the LRC editorial line against the Ambazonians, EQUINOXE TV is the only Station that has made the Anglophone /Ambazonia struggle their personal matter. While many other private TV stations have either been bribed not to report on the struggle or bullied to submission, EQNUINOXE has stood its ground for two years now, championing the Anglophone cause. EQUINOXE has been the only channel that has gone across the border to Nigeria with the AYAH foundation to cover the plight of our refugees who are stranded out there. This station is owned by a Francophone, a Bamileke man, SEVERIN TCHOUNEKU.
The AYAH Foundation, our only hope and perhaps the Anglophone RED CROSS has broken bounds on the humanitarian front, going across the borders severally to help the destitute, the sick and the hospitalized. We have seen our youth taking the initiative, while our parents and grandparents have sat back, wining and dining with their godfathers in Yaoundé. People calling themselves political leaders and political elite, when the same people who voted them are being killed, their homes are burned down, they are are stranded on hills and residing in make shift homes in the jungle while others are stranded in a foreign country. We saw reports of how some families were separated, with members residing in different local councils in Nigeria as they ran for their lives. We saw pregnant women who had to foot it across the bushes for several days without food or water. We saw women with two week old babies on the run.
Of cause this doesnt concern our Political Leaders because they are more concerned about retaining their relationship with LRC so as to protect their Duty Posts or to seek re-election to office in the next elections. Our children have written their names on the sands of time; LENA FABRICE, TEM MARTIN and AYAH AYAH, the one who founded the initiative. These youth have rallied a lot of financial support from home and from abroad as many benevolent have contributed money to ensure that their humanitarian objectives are met. I am sure that many Francophones who sympathize with the carnage in the Anglophone zones have equally contributed to this foundation that takes care of our sick and injured brothers.
I read some comments online and I see many francophones sympathizing with us even though others dont.
Shall we throw away those who are on our side because of those who are against us?
We also have the Anglophones who by no fault of theirs are half breeds, Anglophones who have a parent from across the MUNGO due to intermarriages. Even though they fully identify with us and they support the Struggle, it doesnt negate the fact that they have parental links across the Mungo. Im wondering how the killing of Francophones in Ambazonia will play on their morale, as well as the effect it will have on the Struggle. Those who are calling on Francophones to leave their land should provide a solution for the half breeds
Many francophones support and sympathize with us, even though they do not support our independence. I follow a lot of Debates on satellite TV here and I can even cite names of people and of Francophone Political Parties who have openly accused LRC for causing the escalation of the crisis by arresting those who asked for a Federation. The MRC for example though one of such through its lawyer, Mr. KACK KACK.
There is also the leader of another party JEAN MARC NGOSSE, then there is the PURS, then we have independent minds like BORIS BERTOLT, PATRICE NOUMA, PAUL CHOUTA and others who have been publishing the Military atrocities LRC has inflicted on us. For example, I got the live video of the Burning in LEBIALEM by LRC on BORIS BERTOLTs page, long before our very own MARK BARETA published it.
I was very surprised why there was a popular outrage against BORIS BERTOLT giving a view of the Ambazonia struggle from a francophone view point yet we dont get offended when he publishes Ambazonia stuff on his wall.
We saw the AYAH foundation using francophones on a live coverage to raise awareness over the plight of our refugees and we heard all they said in our favour. Many francophones sympathize with us even if they dont make open declarations for fear of victimization. We need to be careful how we exercise our emotion.
The people we should be angry with are our own brothers who are supporting the same Regime that is killing us.
Who are the ones heading Military operations in Ambazonia? Are ELOKOBI and AGHA not Anglophones?
How many Anglophone Politicians both CPDM and Opposition have denounced the killings and the Military atrocities in Ambazonia?
ACHIDI ACHU did, reason why he was deposed from Senate. Fru Ndi speaks only when it’s in his interest. Was Fru Ndi not asked not to participate in the Senatorials? What was his response?
The SDF is not an Anglophone party, yet who voted him? What about our MPs and Senators?
How can political parties be talking about Elections when 4 out of 6 Divisions in the SW are carnaged and deserted, with bullets flying in all directions while 4 out of 7 Divisions in the NW are at war?
Who is the true enemy here, the Francophones or our very own?
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