1884 - Kamerun became German colony
1907 - Alliances formed ready for ...
World War 1 (WWI)
1914 - WWI begins: [Britain, France, Russia ...] vs [Germany, Austria, Turkey, Bulgaria ..]
1918 - WWI ends. Germany loses. Allies (Britain, France, ...) win
League of Nations mandate assigned about 80% of Kamerun to
France [French Cameroun], and 20% to Britain [British Cameroons].
Now to business ... OIL!
1937 - Shell D’Arcy started business in Nigeria.
Shell aka Royal Dutch Shell PLC, is an Anglo-Dutch multinational oil and gas company with Headquarters in the Netherlands and incorporated in the UK.
Note the connection between Shell (Anglo-Dutch) and Nigeria (British colony)
World War II (WWII)
1939 - WWII begins September 1, 1939 – September 2, 1945
1945 - WWII ends. United Nations (UN) was established.
United States, the Soviet Union, China, the United Kingdom, and France—became the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council.
UPC - First Political Party in French Cameroun
1948 - French Cameroun (Remember? French colony since 1918): a Political Party called Union of Cameroun Peoples (UPC) is formed. It led the fight for independence, became radical and was outlawed by the French for resorting to violence.
Southern British Cameroons - Eastern Nigeria House of Assembly
1950 - Following the Ibadan General Conference of 1950, a new constitution for Nigeria devolved more power to the regions. In the subsequent election thirteen Southern British Cameroonian representatives were elected to the Eastern Nigeria House of Assembly in Enugu. Note: 13 Southern British Cameroons Divisions/States are/were fully represented (as in REPRESENTATIVE GOVT, not the nonsense we have in the Cameroons today).
List of Divisions: "BY - Boyo " "BI - Bui" "DM - Donga-Mantung" "FK - Fako" "KP - Kupe" "LM - Lebialem" "MY - Manyu" "ME - Meme" "MN - Mentchum" "MZ - Mezam" "MO - Momo" "ND - Ndian" "NJ - NgoketunJia"
Southern British Cameroons Representatives invoke “Benevolent Neutrality” - Withdraw from the Eastern Nigeria House of Assembly, Enugu
1953 - In 1953, however, the Southern Cameroons representatives, unhappy with the domineering attitude of Nigerian politicians and lack of unity among the ethnic groups in the Eastern Region, declared a "benevolent neutrality" and withdrew from the assembly. At a conference in London from 30 July to 22 August 1953, the Southern Cameroons delegation asked for a separate region of its own. The British agreed, and Southern British Cameroons became an autonomous region with its capital at Buea.
Southern British Cameroons First elections + Own Parliament - E.M.L. Endeley as Premier
1954 - In Southern British Cameroons, Elections were held in 1954 and the Parliament met on 1 October 1954, with E.M.L. Endeley as Premier.

Oloibiri Well#1 Drilled June 1956 Depth 12000 feet
1956 - Oil is discovered! by Shell in Oloibiri, Niger Delta
1958 - Oil exports begin
Southern British Cameroons elects 2nd Premier - J.N.Foncha
1959 - As Cameroun and Nigeria prepared for Independence, Southern British Cameroons nationalists debated whether their best interests lay with union with Cameroun, union with Nigeria or total independence.
1959 - February 1, Endeley was defeated in elections by John Ngu Foncha.
French Cameroun and Nigeria become Independent
1960 - January 1, French Cameroun becomes independent ... Moumié (UPC Leader) is assassinated in Geneva, Switzerland.
1960 - October 1, Nigeria gains Independence from Britain
French Cameroun is independent and Nigeria is also independent.
What is the status of British Cameroons? Talk Talk Talk ...
1961 - May 31, the mostly Muslim Northern British Cameroons became a region of Nigeria
Fumban Conference: Southern British Cameroons meets French Cameroun
1961 - July 17 - 21 Fumban Constitutional Conference: where Southern British Cameroons got bamboozled by Ahidjo, the French Cameroun leader and his team of French lawyers. Representatives from South British Cameroons led by John Ngu Foncha (leading since 1959) were literally run over and the Plebiscite results were a done deal - Independence by joining French Cameroun.
1961 - October 1, the mostly Christian Southern British Cameroons gained independence from Britain ... by joining ...
But HOLD ON! Independence “by Joining” a country in a CIVIL WAR?
Here is where things start to get interesting for citizens of Southern [British] Cameroons:
Southern [British] Cameroons gained Independence “by joining” [French] Cameroun , which at that time had an ongoing civil war between the French Cameroun govt and ... members of the Union of Cameroun People (UPC) party , formed in 1948.
A lot of people died in French Cameroun during what is sometimes referred to as a genocide. The French and French Cameroun govt led by Amadu Ahidjo did some really bad and despicable things to citizens of French Cameroun, especially the UPC members, forcing their leaders to either flee or be summarily killed - even in exile! And then you wonder why. So why? Why all the killing of people? That is the question. What would really move a human’s muscles to twitch and consciously do harm to another? There must be a reason. Let’s find out.
Here, we are trying to put a finger on what is at the root cause of the dysfunction we have in our own State - the State of Southern [British] Cameroons, in the context of the current configuration of the Cameroons.
BIG PLAYERS in the Sub-Region: Still Britain & France, UN ... Maybe
So far the big players in this sub-region after the World Wars were Britain and France, with the UN coming in a weak third position (my opinion). Colonization, de-colonization, and post-colonial activities sound like politics but in fact, it is mostly about economics (my opinion).
Remember the oil discovered in Oloibiri in 1956? Shell, the an Anglo-Dutch company could only expand and increase its production (and revenues). To the French in full control of French Cameroun, Shell was “Britain”. The oil discovery seemed like a windfall for Britain. Won’t the French also want a piece of the oil pie?
HELL BROKE LOSE! Nigerian Civil War!
1967 - July 1967 to January 1970 South Eastern State of Nigeria broke away and declared itself independent, changing its name to Biafra. This is the same State where thirteen Southern Cameroonian representatives attended the Eastern Nigerian House of Assembly in its capital Enugu, before “independence” to join French Cameroun.
Britain backed the Nigerian govt of Yakubu Gowon. Why? [Think Shell].
And here is where one starts to get into the meat of what is happening in our Cameroons today:
1968 - Quote from an article on the subject titled “Keeping Biafra Alive”, published by TIME MAGAZINE Friday, Dec. 06, 1968
“The French do not want publicity on their role in Biafra.
But why are they so intent on keeping the war alive?
A businessman here says the reason is Biafran oil: “A million barrels of oil a day, or about one-third the production capacity of Kuwait. That kind of oil production is worth gambling for, even if the odds are against you.”
In addition, Charles de Gaulle relishes any chance he finds to annoy the British, who are backing the Nigerian government. [Seems like France & Britain are evil twins who like to poke each other in the eye (Just my opinion)].
A third reason may well be that a united and progressing Nigeria would be a threat to the French economic dominance of West Africa.”
Full article:
France: French economic dominance of West Africa?
1969 - Peugeot Automobile Nigeria Limited, ... was conceived in 1969 by the then Federal Military Government under the leadership of General Yakubu Gowon. (Statement on Peugeot Nigeria web page). Note: The Parent company Peugeot is a French car manufacturer, part of Groupe PSA.
1970 - January, end of Nigeria Civil War
Note [My opinion]: Gowon seems to have made a deal with France a year earlier; French support for Biafra fizzles, and the war ends a year later. Amazing!
Cameroun: Another SledgeHammer Referendum
1972 - Federal Republic of Cameroun becomes United Republic of Cameroun through another sledgehammer referendum code-named “Peaceful Revolution” by Ahidjo
Ahidjo Resigns - Biya sworn in. Note: No Election. A simple replacement. Raising Questions especially in Southern British Cameroons.
1982 - Ahidjo suddenly resigns and is automagically replaced by Paul Biya who is still there today!
1984 - Paul Biya unilaterally changes the name “United Republic of Cameroun” to Republique du Cameroun.
DINKA arrested - Ambazonian Question
1985 - Fon Gorji Dinka was arrested in Bamenda and taken to jail in Yaounde. He was President of the Bar Association of Cameroon (1976-1981), Fon, or traditional ruler, of Widikum in now former Southern British Cameroons.
A little more on Dinka with some details on the modus operandi of the Ahidjo/Biya/French regime of Cameroun.
“ 2.8 The author's detention reportedly provoked the so-called "Dinka riots", whereupon schools closed for several weeks. On 11 November 1985, Parliament adopted a resolution calling for a National Conference to address the Ambazonian question.
In response, President Biya accused the President of Parliament of leading a "pro-Dinka" parliamentary revolt against him; he had the author charged with high treason before a Military Tribunal, allegedly asking for the death penalty.
The prosecution's case collapsed in the absence of any legal provision which would have criminalized the author's call on President Biya to comply with the Restoration Law by withdrawing from Ambazonia.
Dinka Acquitted
1986 - On 3 February 1986, the author [Dinka] was acquitted of all charges and released from detention.
Biya seeks Appeal on the Acquittal of Dinka
2.9 President Biya's intention to appeal the judgment, after having ordered the author's re-arrest, was frustrated because the law establishing the Military Tribunal did not provide for the possibility of appeal in cases involving high treason.
Dinka placed on House Arrest
1987 - The author was then placed under house arrest between 7 February 1986 and 28 March 1988. In a letter dated 15 May 1987, the Department of Political Affairs of the Ministry of Territorial Administration advised the author that his behaviour during house arrest was incompatible with his "probationary release" by the Military Tribunal, since he continued to hold meetings at his palace, to attend customary court sessions, to invoke his prerogatives as Fon, to contempt and disregard the law enforcement and other authorities, and to continue the practice of the illegal Olumba Olumba religion.
Dinka’s name removed from register of electors in Batibo?
1988 - On 25 March 1988, the Sub-Divisional Office of the Batibo Momo Division informed the author that because of his "judicial antecedent", his name had been removed from the register of electors until such time he could produce a "certificate of rehabilitation".
Dinka goes on Exile
2.10 On 28 March 1988, the author went into exile in Nigeria.
1995 - In 1995, he went to Great Britain, where he was recognized as a refugee and became a barrister.”
From the Human Rights Library of the University of Minnesota.
End excerpt (Titles are mine)
With Dinka out of the picture Assimilation/Integration of Southern British Cameroons into French Cameroun Complete? Not so fast.
Other individuals/groups by citizens of Southern British Cameroons continued where Dinka left off, to sound the alarm bell about their situation in the Cameroons current context: Notably, Albert Mukong, John Ngu Foncha (remember?) made efforts to begin discussions at the United Nations; groups/movements like the SCNC, SCARM, CAM, SCYL, are still actively pursuing ways/means to “liberate” the people of Southern British Cameroons.
1993 - Then came two important conferences: AAC1 and AAC2 which became SCPC and then SCAPO.
Two unions - Lawyers and Teachers plan a Stay-Home Strike
Fast forward to
October 2016: Two unions - Lawyers and Teachers table grievances to the Cameroun govt and receive no real actionable reply. So they declare a stay-home strike for an indefinite period - until the govt responds adequately. Little did the union members (nor anyone else) know what was going to happen next.
Resurrection of the Youth of Southern British Cameroons
November 2016: A young man called Mancho BBC “resurrects” from a coffin in Main Street Bamenda, Southern British Cameroons, in the middle of the day and sends the crowd wild by daring the Cameroun armed police to shoot him. Said he was tired of the marginalization of his people and was ready-coffin-in-hand to die then. A clever set-up by the young man.
Cameroun govt response to the unions strike and the stunt by Mancho BBC of Bamenda
The response by the govt of Cameroun to the strike and resurrection was to send in armed police to beat up, mistreat, brutalize and arbitrarily arrest lawyers, teachers and students.
To understand why the govt of Cameroun will act seemingly against its “own people” over simple logical demands by workers’ unions and students (children of the “nation”), it is good to ask and think again about these questions that follow.
- What was the UPC formed in 1948 fighting for?
- Why was France so supportive of the French Cameroun govt defeating/crushing the UPC?
- Why was the French govt literally babysitting and hand-handling Amadu Ahidjo to become the First President of an “independent” Cameroun in 1960?
- Why did the French + Ahidjo organize a conference in Fumban to basically hijack the “independence” of Southern British Cameroons in 1961?
- Did Southern British Cameroons gain Independence just to turn around and be annexed/assimilated by French Cameroun?
- Why was French Cameroun so eager to “pull in” Southern British Cameroons into the brand new independent French Cameroun?
- Was it really patriotism for a “One Kamerun” - which the UPC was fighting for? But the UPC was outlawed by the French and Cameroun govt. So ...?
- So why was/is the push to “assimilate” Southern British Cameroons into the French Africa ecosystem?
- Is it because citizens of French Cameroun really “care” for their siblings across the River Mungo?
- And why would the French care to the point of supporting Ahidjo/Biya with their efforts to create a Federation of the two Cameroons, then later on rescind on it?
In 1972 the one - Ahidjo - unilaterally declared a “United Republic of Cameroun” and his “chosen” successor, Biya in 1984, would put in the last nail (or so he thought) on the coffin of the State of Southern British Cameroons, by taking out the “united” and just making it the “Republique du Cameroun”?
- Why was Britain less involved/interested in the future of British Cameroons? If you ask me, I will look at the map of the area and say this: Britain had hit the jackpot with Nigeria as a colony, with the Oil discovery and with its Anglo-Dutch Oil company drilling away, things were look good for Britain. But guess what? Nigeria was surrounded by all mostly French colonies. One could say Britain was outnumbered in this neighborhood. So ...
- Did Britain’s diminished role in British Cameroons at this point leave Southern British Cameroons exposed and fragile to the point of being run over by the over-zealousness of France and whatever they wanted French Cameroun to become in the sub-region - a French African Country? Seems the answer is in the question here. And it is affirmative.
- Did France support Biafra? Why?
- Gowon signed a deal bringing Peugeot France into Nigeria 1969. 1970 Nigerian civil war ends. Coincidence?
Oil Games continue - Remember France/UK in this Armpit of Africa? Now include USA.
“The main petroleum operators in Cameroon were Elf Serepca, a subsidiary of Société Nationale Elf Aquitaine of France; Pecten Cameroon Co., a subsidiary of Shell Oil Co. of the United States; and Perenco plc of the United Kingdom” Source:
Oil - Trigger for Trouble?
It is obvious at this point that the trigger for major political changes in this sub-region was/is oil. It is most probably the cause and reason why the children of the State of Southern British Cameroons are restless about the present and the future. Economic power supersedes political power, it seems.
One cannot eat oil. One cannot drink oil. To imagine the number of our people who have died just so oil can be extracted, does not seem like a sustainable plan - at least to me. I think the oil can be extracted and People should still live. So why so much killing? How can one explain this so that an Infants one pickin can understand?
It seems the French gave Ahidjo a goal: “do all you can to "assimilate" the State of British Southern Cameroons into the French African Ecosystem, and you can be in power for as long as we can suck some of that black juice under Mt. Fako”. Biya might be getting the same instructions too, as we speak. Why would France be still interested in the “ArmPit of Africa” - Niger Delta to Rio Del Rey, even though Shell (or now mostly the Nigerian govt) has control of most of the Niger Delta oil?

The Struggle for Modern Nigeria: The Biafran War 1967-1970 By Michael Gould
We citizens of Southern British Cameroons have heard time and again, citizens of French Cameroun referring to our citizens as "Biafrans"! OK ... check this: France supported Biafra! Remember? No, you can’t because from all indications, its seems France wanted to keep those activities under cover. Why? France ... declared its support for Biafran self-determination in a communiqué given by Joel Le Theule, the French Secretary of State for Information, July 1968.
OIL and RELEVANCE to Southern British Cameroons Issues with arbitrary Assimilation by French Cameroun
So why is this relevant to our situation today?
With support from Britain, Nigeria’s Military Govt Led by General Yakubu Gowon, the Nigerian army stopped Biafra from seceding. Biafra lost and so France was not any closer to Biafran Oil, but still had an eye on other business - Peugeot? And in the Cameroons there was still some crumbs of oil reserves to appease the appetite of French oil explorers - Elf-Serepca would scan all of Bakassi, Bamusso, Rio del Rey and all areas within the State of British Southern Cameroons for Oil. That is where most French interests in the Cameroons are situated and where they are concerned about security.

Niger Delta: Can you see the Oil in British Southern Cameroons?
Think about it, the French business people who are doing business in this area have the French politicians and by default their “handpicked” President of Republique du Cameroun on the hook for something. There is a lot of investment in time, money, resources to run the oil business; just as there is profit to be made. So when you see people become dictators and treat their own people like trash, even to the point of ruthlessly taking human lives or locking up people for trumped-up reasons in inhuman conditions and you wonder why? Well now you know why.
Amadu Ahidjo could have been a very nice man, nice husband, good father to his children, but when it came to satisfying the whims/wishes of billion-dollar oil investors, if his head was on the line and you stood in the way, then your head first.
You may be asking yourself is Biya in a similar situation?
Answer: smell the coffee; potopoto flows from upstream to downstream. You think the wickedness of the simple foot soldiers of the Cameroun govt are acting on their own or on some kind of professional principle? Think again.
We've got work to do People. And it does not get easier.
Just remember: we cannot eat or drink oil.
ps: any mistakes/typos are mine. Please feel free to inform/educate on any details respectfully. Will update as necessary.
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