Fon Gorji Dinka has sparked renewed interest in calls for Southern Cameroonian MPs and Senators to resign from parliament. It would be a loud form of protest, but no false equivalence should be drawn between MPs quitting today and the events of 1953 in Enugu. Here are a few reasons why:
1. Withdrawal from Enugu triggered a constitutional crisis that withdrawal from Yaounde will not. Main reason: the nature of the more wicked colonialist in Yaounde compared to Nigeria. MPs who withdraw from Yaounde are replaced by their alternates, many of whom will be very happy to join.
2. The walkout from Enugu was everyone - one for all, all for one. The Biya regime's divide and rule game is still working on too many of our MPs for them along with Senators to be counted on to stage an everyone on board walkout. Even, worse, the hero of the hour in parliament (Hon. Wirba) is not getting from his colleagues (certainly jealous of his growing popularity) the kind of public acclaim and followership that Endeley got inviting his peers to quit Enugu. If anything we should do everything to protect Hon. Joseph Wirba from being sold by his brothers and sisters, like the other Joseph of Bible fame into slavery/imprisonment.
3. Once our MPs left Enugu, it ended our representation in the government of Nigeria. It won't be the case today, because the Biya regime is so much more colonialist than the original colonialists themselves. He has put people all over his colonial gov't and they will try to fake that we remain represented and at high level, such as Prime Minister, so-called HEAD of gov't.
4. Fon Gorji Dinka's audio message also suggests that it would suffice for our MPs to come home for our people to trigger the crisis that wins us our seat at the United Nations. Fon Dinka is the lawyer. So, he knows better. Still, I must argue my own foolishness. I believe that the UN seats governments, not former MPs who resign in protest. Most importantly, the UN as per its Resolution of 15 Dec. 1960 on Southern Cameroons invested authority in changing or reversing the act of "JOINING" LRC to an expression of the will of the people. A genuine expression of that will of the people in today's setting won't be MPs resigning and returning to Southern Cameroons. It would be a gov't formed as a genuine expression of the will of the people asking to be seated at the U.N.
That is why I am very actively selling the Roadmap to Restoration produced and shared by the Movement for the Restoration of the Independence of Southern Cameroons (MoRISC). The Roadmap has offered a process for putting in place a gov't through an election that will truly reflect the will of the sovereign people of Southern Cameroons. The Roadmap has indicated that such a gov't be formed and announced on 21 April 2017 and that we spend the time between then and 1 October 2017 asking to be seated at the UN and AU, and that finally we inaugurate our Congress and Gov't in Buea on 1 October 2017.
The Roadmap is a living document, of course, but I'm yet to see another document that has offered more visibility on the way forward, based on a calendar we have set and can control. We cannot succeed by improvising what should happen next. If we don't plan, it is said, we really plan to fail.
Ntumfoyn Boh Herbert (Yindo Toh)
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