Some few things we ignore about Chairman Fru Ndi by Alhaji Ahmadu SCB Belgium

Hon Chairman, We have heard you very well in the diaspora daddy. This struggle is not about the diaspora but the people of Ambazonian. The diaspora is just playing it role like those in other country of the world. We are not in the 90s or in LRC where freedom of expression does not exist. We have lot of unanswerable questions about you daddy that has made some of us consider you a traitor and a selfish leader. Yes I say a selfish leader. I will list a number of points and I wish you can reflect on and give a comprehensive respond for us to still look at you as a leader.1: Mr Chairman, where are your children? Is there any of your child back home? Do your children know what it takes to be an ordinary buy and sale around Bamenda food market? Do they even know how our universities and other higher educational institutions operate back home? Have they ever felt the embarrassment our people have been going through in search of jobs or better working conditions? Take a mirror image of yourself before castigating the diaspora. It's often said that charity begins at home. Why do you forget so easily? Is it not ghost towns and the closures of schools in the 90s that made you to be where you are today? Where is the light you are showing us a good leader when all your children are out of the country?
2: A true leader is he who role the people with his heart and use his head to think. Your parliamentarian went into hiding for months and all you could do was to distant your political view from his action and what he said in the parliament. What a shame. Is this what it takes to be a true leader? When Hon Wirba spoke in the parliament about the plight of his people, you as chairman didn't protect him. How dare you think you have the ordinary people at heart when you cannot protect your own parliamentarian?
3: In the early 1990's, you had the support of the people because of your anti French propaganda. Now you are worst of a French puppet than President Biya himself. What a birds of a feather. How can you be anti-France and at the same time you have the imperialist French exploitative PMUC head of in Bamenda in your building? Why is your building at the Commercial Avenue lodging this exploitative firm that has render so many people miserable with unrealistic dream. You help in one way or the other to make our people miserable by encouraging gambling with unrealistic hope. Do you know how many kids you have destroyed because of this PMUC as a result that their father cannot pay their fees on time but will rather use the money to gamble? This is not the type of politician the generation of today wants. We want people with vision that can transform it into reality.
4: Mr Chairman, during the launching of the SDF in 1990, some people were killed while others were injured and till date they keep rooming the streets. What have you done to the affected families? Are they on any social benefits from your party? What has your party done to honuored those that were killed. Is there any street name after them or any monument? Does the diaspora need to tell you all this before it can be implemented?
5: Mr Chairman, We will like to know from you if the SDF is a national party or a family property. Why will the SDF secretarial be in your compound? Where on earth have such things happen. Can you tell the public why the secretarial is in your compound? Is this the type of change you are talking about? These are all characteristics of a tyrant. There are no doubt the likes of Ben Muna and Kah Wallah left the party. For how long have you been the chairman of the party and I think the word retirement does not exist in your vocabulary just like Mr Biya. If I were you I would have long resign. But here we go with the so called messiah who questions the action of the diaspora. What happened that you did not win the senate seat in you area? The answer is a clear message to you that things will never be the same again.
6. Daddy are you aware of the fact that out of 10 migrants crossing via the Mediterranean sea at least 2 are from Cameroon? What have you done to stop this involuntary deadly migration? Do you know the rate of migration has tremendously increased since 1990 by Southern Cameroonians? This is the only hope southern Cameroonians have to help themselves and their families. What do you think is pushing them out. More than 60% of Southern Cameroonians back home who can boast of average standard of living today have someone in the diaspora. The other 20% are government teachers, military or policemen. The remaining 20% goes for businessmen and those involved in other lucrative private activities. So who is fooling who in this case? If you know your people and love them as you think, then you will not go after the diaspora.
Despite the so called introduction of multi-party system, what can we say we have benefited from it? Our roads are in the worst states as compared to the 80s. The only thing we hear of is elections but thing are getting worst on daily basis. Prices of basic commodities are skyrocketing, unemployment, tribalism, nepotism, favoritism and high place corruption are the orders of the day. A student will have 5A in the advance level and will graduate from the university with a GPA of 3.5 but will end up riding okada.
Taking all this into consideration, it is really hypocritical for the chairman of the SDF to attack the diaspora while youths are charged with terrorism just because they were protesting and demanding for their rights. Innocent and unarmed civilians, students, lecturers are in jail and it's really disgusting for the chairman to talk of school resumption. What about the student killed and those behind bars are they not legible for education? Just like Ben Muna said a blank academic year is better than a blank future, the diaspora will be the voice of the people. The chairman cannot see that because of his ego. All the Chairman care is for schools to resume and things goes back to normal for him to campaign for the upcoming presidential elections next year. Pa Fru is a stomach leader . We will resist.
Alhaji Ahmadu
SCB Belgium
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