Resolution 1608 Vs Cameroun by JusticeMuluh Mbuh
CAMEROUN: IMPLEMENT UN RESOLUTION 1608 OR PULL OUT OF THE AMBAZONIA NOW!Cameroun: Implement UN Res. 1608 or Pull out of Ambazonia (UN Trust Territory of the Southern Cameroons) with alacrity before it is to late to do so peacefully. See details of Resolution and appraisal Below.
The International Community should find Cameroun Republic in violation of the Law of Nations by charges of breach of international treaty (Treaty of Union with Ambazonia) and accordingly delt with squarely thus:
1. Dismiss Cameroun from the UN and all affiliated organizations if they should fail to comply;
2. Impose Economic Sanctions including the blocking of all material and immaterial international aid to Cameroun if they do not comply;
3. Utilize a UN Intervention Force(s) to force Cameroun to withdraw from Ambazonia Republic as was the case when the UN bombed Iraq out of Kuwait.
1. Dismiss Cameroun from the UN and all affiliated organizations if they should fail to comply;
2. Impose Economic Sanctions including the blocking of all material and immaterial international aid to Cameroun if they do not comply;
3. Utilize a UN Intervention Force(s) to force Cameroun to withdraw from Ambazonia Republic as was the case when the UN bombed Iraq out of Kuwait.
The citizens of Ambazonia (UN Trust Territory of the Southern Cameroons) continue to suffer unjustly because of Cameroun's illegal occupation which has led to the surpression of intellectual thought, the Anglo-Saxon Common Laws and Educational System, deprived of any vital economic development and including the systematic destruction of the agro-base industries that existed in the territory prior to the lies of Unification. In fact, agricultural base is being sold out to French people, including Christoff (?) Mitterand, the Son of Former French President Francios Mitterand! The failure to respond to these demands would be considered as a green light that Ambazoians can act accordingly and use any means possible to flush Cameroun illegal land lords out of the Ambazonia and no one, no country should blame Ambazonia for destabilizing the region in terms of the wider geo-political nature and location of the disputed territory.
See full text below.
APRIL 21, 1961.
The Case of
See full text below.
APRIL 21, 1961.
The Case of
Resolution 1608 (xv) as submitted by the Fourth Committee, A/4737, and as amended orally by Guinea and Liberia, adopted by the General Assembly on 21 April 1961, meeting 994, by roll-call vote of 64 to 23, with 10 abstentions, as follows:
Afghanistan, Austria, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Burma, Byelorussian SSR, Canada, Ceylon, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Cyprus, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Federation of Malaya, Finland, Ghana, Guinea, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Japan, Laos, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Mali, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Phillippines, Poland, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Sweden, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukrainian SSR, Union of South Africa, USSR, United Arab Republic, United Kingdom, United States, Venezuela, Yemen, Yugoslavia.
Afghanistan, Austria, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Burma, Byelorussian SSR, Canada, Ceylon, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Cyprus, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Federation of Malaya, Finland, Ghana, Guinea, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Japan, Laos, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Mali, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Phillippines, Poland, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Sweden, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukrainian SSR, Union of South Africa, USSR, United Arab Republic, United Kingdom, United States, Venezuela, Yemen, Yugoslavia.
Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Cambodia, Cameroun, Central African Republic, Chad, China, Congo (Brazzaville), Congo (Leopoldville), Dahomey, France, Gabon, Greece, Israel, Ivory Coast, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Niger, Paraguay, Senegal, Upper Volta, Uruguay.
Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Cambodia, Cameroun, Central African Republic, Chad, China, Congo (Brazzaville), Congo (Leopoldville), Dahomey, France, Gabon, Greece, Israel, Ivory Coast, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Niger, Paraguay, Senegal, Upper Volta, Uruguay.
Columbia, El Salvador, Guatamala, Haiti, Italy, Panama, Peru, Portugal, Spain, Togo.
Columbia, El Salvador, Guatamala, Haiti, Italy, Panama, Peru, Portugal, Spain, Togo.
“Recalling its resolution 1350 (XIII) of 13 March 1959 concerning the future of the Trust Territory of the Cameroons under United Kingdom administration in which the General Assembly recommended, inter alia, that the Administering Authority take steps, in consultation with the United Nations Plebiscite Commissioner for the Cameroons under United Kingdom Administration, to organize, under the supervision of the United Nations, separate plebiscites in the Northern and Southern parts of the Cameroons under United Kingdom administration, in order to ascertain the wishes of the inhabitants of the territory concerning their future, and that the plebiscite in the Northern Cameroons be held about the middle of November 1959 on the basis of the two questions set out in paragraph 2 of the said Resolution,
“Recalling its resolution 1350 (XIII) of 13 March 1959 concerning the future of the Trust Territory of the Cameroons under United Kingdom administration in which the General Assembly recommended, inter alia, that the Administering Authority take steps, in consultation with the United Nations Plebiscite Commissioner for the Cameroons under United Kingdom Administration, to organize, under the supervision of the United Nations, separate plebiscites in the Northern and Southern parts of the Cameroons under United Kingdom administration, in order to ascertain the wishes of the inhabitants of the territory concerning their future, and that the plebiscite in the Northern Cameroons be held about the middle of November 1959 on the basis of the two questions set out in paragraph 2 of the said Resolution,
“Recalling its resolution 1352 (XIV) of 16 October 1959 whereby it decided, inter alia, that a plebiscite in the Southern Cameroons would be held between 30 September 1960 and March 1961, on the basis of the two questions set in paragraph 2 of the said resolution,
“Recalling further its resolution 1473 (XIV) of 12 December 1959 in which the General Assembly, having considered the results of the plebiscite in the Northern part of the Cameroons under United Kingdom Administration, recommended the organization by the Administering Authority, in consultation with the United Nations Plebiscite Commissioner, of a further plebiscite to be held in the Northern Cameroons under United Nations supervision between 30 September 1960 and March 1961, on the basis of the two questions defined in paragraph 3 of the said resolution,
“Having examined the report of the United Nations Plebiscite Commissioner concerning the two plebiscites held in the Northern and the Southern Cameroons in February 1961 and the report of the Trusteeship Council thereon,
Having heard the petitioners,
“1. Expresses its high appreciation of the work of the United Nations Plebiscite Commissioner for the Cameroons under United Kingdom Administration and his staff;
“2. Endorses the results of the plebiscite that:
“(a) The people of Northern Cameroons have by a majority, decided to achieve independence by joining the independent Federation of Nigeria;
“(a) The people of Northern Cameroons have by a majority, decided to achieve independence by joining the independent Federation of Nigeria;
“(b) The people of the Southern Cameroons have similarly decided to achieve independence by joining the independent Republic of Cameroun;
“3. Considers that, the people of the two parts of the Trust Territory having freely and secretly expressed their wishes with regards to their respective futures in accordance with General Assembly resolution 1352 (XIV) and 1473 (XIV), the decisions made by them through democratic processes should be immediately implemented;
“4. Decides that, the plebiscites having been taken separately with differing results, the Trusteeship Agreement of 13 December 1946 concerning the Cameroons under United Kingdom Administration shall be terminated, in accordance with Article 76b of the Charter of the United Nations and in agreement with the Administering Authority, in the following manner:
“(a) With Respect to the Northern Cameroons, on I June 1961, upon its joining the Federation of Nigeria as a separate province of the Northern Region of Nigeria;
“(b) With respect to the Southern Cameroons, on 1 October 1961, upon it’s joining the Republic of Cameroun;
“5. Invites the Administering Authority, the Government of the Southern Cameroons and the Republic of Cameroun to initiate urgent discussions with a view to finalizing, before October 1, the arrangements by which the agreed and declared policies of the parties concerned will be implemented.”
General Assembly 15th Session (First and Second Parts).
Fourth Committee, Meetings 1004, 1010, 1012, 1066, 1086, 1096, 1097, 1098, 1105, 1108, 1120, 1127-1130, 1139, 1140, 1142, 1147.
A/C.4/445 and Add.1-3, A/C.4/469 and Add.1-8.
Requests for Hearings.
A/C.4/448. Note by Secretary General.
A/C.4/490. Additional statement by Namaso Mbile, Cameroons People’s National Convention, Kumba Division, on Southern Cameroons.
A/C.4/495. Statement by S.T. Muna, Minister of Commerce and Industries, Southern Cameroons.
A/C.4/96. Additional Statement by Mayi Matip, Chairmen of Union des Populations du Cameroun Parliamentary group.
General Assembly 15th Session (First and Second Parts).
Fourth Committee, Meetings 1004, 1010, 1012, 1066, 1086, 1096, 1097, 1098, 1105, 1108, 1120, 1127-1130, 1139, 1140, 1142, 1147.
A/C.4/445 and Add.1-3, A/C.4/469 and Add.1-8.
Requests for Hearings.
A/C.4/448. Note by Secretary General.
A/C.4/490. Additional statement by Namaso Mbile, Cameroons People’s National Convention, Kumba Division, on Southern Cameroons.
A/C.4/495. Statement by S.T. Muna, Minister of Commerce and Industries, Southern Cameroons.
A/C.4/96. Additional Statement by Mayi Matip, Chairmen of Union des Populations du Cameroun Parliamentary group.
The nations that voted in favor of the resolution might have had “unity as strength” as their guiding principle. But when we take a look at the said resolution, we have every reason to feel and believe that British Southern Cameroonians have been maltreated by both Cameroun and the United nations. From the said Resolution, we can make the following deductions:
The nations that voted in favor of the resolution might have had “unity as strength” as their guiding principle. But when we take a look at the said resolution, we have every reason to feel and believe that British Southern Cameroonians have been maltreated by both Cameroun and the United nations. From the said Resolution, we can make the following deductions:
1) A nation cannot become “independent by joining” another, especially if it is denied a seat at the World Organization. The case of the Republics that were part of USSR but had separate seats at the UN (and voted herein) are a glaring pointer to this effect! This condition secures the right of the parties to regain their sovereignty without necessarily having to pull much string, in case of material breach of treaty.
2) From (1) above, it is clear that the Trusteeship Agreement was already under violation, since “by joining” does not lead “to either self-government or independence” (76b) of the UN Charter/(Declaration Granting Independence …of Dec. 14, 1960)! Besides if Trusteeship was terminated on October 1, 1960, why then was Ambazonia not goiven a seat at the UN? Why did the UN see it fit to utilize the plebiscite tool to decolonize the territory? Was this act an application or a violation of the law? And what more of the absense of the UN and Trusteeship Council and Adminstering Authority of the said territory from ensuring that Paragraph 5 of the said Res. 1608 was actually effected? How else can one not cry foul play?
3) That Cameroun was among nations that opposed the Resolution and given that Cameroun has violated the Federation Treaty, besides the above Resolution demanding its implementation--both constitute gross evidence that Cameroun authority were not interested to have either a federation or unity with British Southern Cameroons. Thus Cameroun should not resist Ambazonian moves to form a separate Republic, which would fulfill Article 76b of the UN Charter and secure/protect the rights of its citizens.
4) France by virtue of her fears that Anglo-Saxon culture would pollute and prevent them from exercising continuous neocolonialism on its former colonies equally opposed the said resolution. Moreso, twelve other French-speaking and former French Colonies in Africa (see "Votes Against" in said resolution above) voted against any such union between Anglo-Saxon Ambazonia and Cameroun Republic. Thus there should be no resistence from their part whatsoever on letting Ambazonia go her way, even though Cameroun President Paul Biya already made Cameroun secession from the Union a legal clarity/reality with his Presidential Decree 84/001 of January 1984.
5) The Administering Authorities, in this case the United Kingdom did not do its job of ensuring that negotiations were conclusive before the stipulated date. Instead, what transpired was that Britain abandoned the Southern Cameroons at the mercy of French and Cameroun colonizers when it effectively pulled out of the territory one month to the date stipulated for the take-off (LEAVING BEHIND ONLY A FEW OF HER MARGESTY'S SOLDIERS WHO EFFECTIVELY HANDED OVER POWER TO CAMEROUN PRESIDENT AND NOT TO AMBAZONIANS ON SEPTEMBER 30 AT MIDNIGHT) for what they wanted us to accept as our independence day and the commencement of the KAMERUN CONFEDERATION (NOT FEDERATION)!
6) The UN equally failed to perform its role as supervisor of the process to decolonize the Southern Cameroons without necessarily compromising its sovereignty.
7) Evidence of the betrayal of Ambazonia (The British Southern Cameroons) by both Britain and the UN Nations is found in the fact that at the Foumban Constitutional talks, both parties were absent. Thus there was never any conclusive deal, which protected the Southern Cameroons from French and Cameroun intrigues. International law regards this absence as a major breach of international treaty and breach of trust and so all the deals from there hence must be seen as having no bearing on the citrizens of the Ambazonia whatsoever!
8) That on October 13, Cameroun President Ahidjo imposed Cameroun's constuitution and national emblems on the peoples of the "Southern Cameroons" in violation of all pre- and post plebiscite agreements, which by UN Res. 1608 attained Treaty status, and so must be found in contempt of the Rule and laws of the Law of Nations.
Three things can be deduced from the above seven points:
1) Ambazonia (Southern Cameroons), even if we assume attained independence, stands clearly as an example of a none-state nation given that it was never given a seat at the UN.
2) By virtue of the fact that the Confederation (not even federation) deal was never conclusive, everything that has been done in Cameroun in the name and name changing syndrome of unity is null and void ab initio, and must be considered not binding on Ambazonia (Southern Cameroons) which has clearly and effectively proven that there were unpardonable discrepancies in the unity process-which has led Cameroun to treat the Southern Cameroon masses as second class citizens and above all, refused to be lawful and accountable to/on the acts of government-this making Ambazonia (a UN Trust Territory which suffers from the effects of international conspiracy and breach of international treaty) to pass as a Cameroun Republic colony in 2002! Based on the above analyses, Ambazonia’s right to freely exercise its sovereignty can hardly be questioned, let alone denied.
3) The non-implementation of UN Resolution 1608 is glaring proof of a material breach of treaty and requires that the World Body actively take part in terminating the now too falsified relationship between Ambazonia and Cameroun before the situation turns into a bloody war of liberation.
The Ambazonia Patriotic Front (APF) acting as custodians of the message of the Ambazonia Republic’s “Ambazonia Peoples Emancipation Council (APEC) program” demands/suggests that the UN should redress this problem before it escalates into a full-scale war of liberation by granting Adult Membership to Ambazonia Republic in the United Nations, with alacrity for a good start. The time to do so is now for time isrunning out!
Justice Muluh Mbuh,
Secretary General,
Ambazonia Peoples Emancipation Council (APEC), Washington, DC,
Founder, Ambazonia Patriotic Front (APF)
Secretary General,
Ambazonia Peoples Emancipation Council (APEC), Washington, DC,
Founder, Ambazonia Patriotic Front (APF)
"Human rights are about the curtailment of the abstract and super state power, ie the limitation of absolute power corrupting absolutely"
Julius Che, June 1997- Buea.
Julius Che, June 1997- Buea.
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