By Mbiydzenyuy David WANTANGWA
This write up is specifically prompted by the recent
outing and utterances of one of the English speaking elites, Paul Tasong, Minister Delegate at MINEPAT who declared
that, "Living in bushes is part of culture of Lebialem people...".
In fact I begin by reproducing a quote from a writer on Facebook, who wrote thus, “PAUL TASONG following the footsteps of ATANGA NJI therefore meant that ‘There
is NO problem in Lebialem’. It's but normal for the Lebialem people to live in
the bushes because it forms part of their culture, besides the majority of them
are farmers and they spend most of the time in their farms which are very far
away from their homes, hence the reason why the entire division has been
abandoned/deserted for over 7 months now. Biya himself said that things were
stabilizing in Ambazonia in February, at the time when we saw the fiercest
fighting in BELO then. Since living in the bushes is part of their culture; why
convene a meeting asking people to return from the bushes? why are the elite
afraid to visit their villages?”
I would
like to put this side by side the report of the United Nations, upon declaring
the humanitarian emergency in the Southern Cameroons. The report supplies the
following facts about the situation of refugees in Lebialem or the people of
Lebialem who have, according to Paul Tasong, followed their usual cultural
activity of farming to desert their village in live in bushes. Of the estimated
160.000 IDPs, Manyu alone accounts for 15.000 IDPs, a situation the UN
considered as abnormal and which merited emergency humanitarian attention. In
which case, if it was the usual tradition of living in the farms and working
their farms, this has nothing to do with the emergency concern. All in all, the
UN has declared the situation very abnormal.
It is
after such a declaration that Minister Paul Tasong appears to declare that it
is normal for the Lebialem people to live in bushes because it is their culture
to do so.
This is
grossly embarrassing for a man who partly is responsible for the situation and
we wonder for whom such utterances were made, whom they benefit and what sense
they contain, if any at all. This is actually a replica of the behavior of
those selected few fellows who call themselves elite, who have forcefully
inserted themselves between the authorities especially Paul Biya, and the
people claiming to be the mouthpiece of the people. Only in Cameroon would you
find that in the heat of a demanding crisis, a clown suddenly appears as did
Atanga Nji Paul to make embarrassing statements about the behavior of the
suffering masses. Are they just being a group of lunatics who hear nothing and
who claim to beat the people to shape in favor of Paul Biya? Are they just
being the slaves they have been to a Grand Master who has taken them hostage,
to deliver results according to his whims and caprices? Who actually do these
elite represent and who elected them to speak for the people when the people
have their representatives in the parliament and the senate? Isn’t it time that
these shameless beggars and power mongers be scrapped off any form of
representation of the people? Else, why would they insistently and persistently
lie, both to the people and the government? And this is not only in Lebialem,
you can find them in every nuke and cranny of the Cameroons purporting to speak
on behalf of the people. Their end is at hand and in fact nothing will distract
the people of Ambazonia, nothing will divert their attention this time around,
until they reach their determined end – the unconditional independence of the
British Southern Cameroons – Ambazonia.
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