Thursday, June 21, 2018


A message from southern Cameroonian refugees in Nigeria

We the refugees in Nigeria REJECT any and all humanitarian help that may be coming from La Republic Du Cameroon government.
We are Ambazonian restorationist and we want nothing to do with Paul Biya's government.
We are in the refugee camps because we are running away from French Cameroon military and not from Ambazonia defense forces
The Ambazonia restoration forces are fighting for our freedom and we will continue paying allegiance to the IG, the AGC and all restoration forces.
We are planning a demonstration at the camps and these are our messages to the world.

Saturday, June 16, 2018


By Mbiydzenyuy David WANTANGWA

This write up is specifically prompted by the recent outing and utterances of one of the English speaking elites, Paul Tasong, Minister Delegate at MINEPAT who declared that, "Living in bushes is part of culture of Lebialem people...". In fact I begin by reproducing a quote from a writer on Facebook, who wrote thus, “PAUL TASONG following the footsteps of ATANGA NJI therefore meant that ‘There is NO problem in Lebialem’. It's but normal for the Lebialem people to live in the bushes because it forms part of their culture, besides the majority of them are farmers and they spend most of the time in their farms which are very far away from their homes, hence the reason why the entire division has been abandoned/deserted for over 7 months now. Biya himself said that things were stabilizing in Ambazonia in February, at the time when we saw the fiercest fighting in BELO then. Since living in the bushes is part of their culture; why convene a meeting asking people to return from the bushes? why are the elite afraid to visit their villages?”
         I would like to put this side by side the report of the United Nations, upon declaring the humanitarian emergency in the Southern Cameroons. The report supplies the following facts about the situation of refugees in Lebialem or the people of Lebialem who have, according to Paul Tasong, followed their usual cultural activity of farming to desert their village in live in bushes. Of the estimated 160.000 IDPs, Manyu alone accounts for 15.000 IDPs, a situation the UN considered as abnormal and which merited emergency humanitarian attention. In which case, if it was the usual tradition of living in the farms and working their farms, this has nothing to do with the emergency concern. All in all, the UN has declared the situation very abnormal.
         It is after such a declaration that Minister Paul Tasong appears to declare that it is normal for the Lebialem people to live in bushes because it is their culture to do so.
         This is grossly embarrassing for a man who partly is responsible for the situation and we wonder for whom such utterances were made, whom they benefit and what sense they contain, if any at all. This is actually a replica of the behavior of those selected few fellows who call themselves elite, who have forcefully inserted themselves between the authorities especially Paul Biya, and the people claiming to be the mouthpiece of the people. Only in Cameroon would you find that in the heat of a demanding crisis, a clown suddenly appears as did Atanga Nji Paul to make embarrassing statements about the behavior of the suffering masses. Are they just being a group of lunatics who hear nothing and who claim to beat the people to shape in favor of Paul Biya? Are they just being the slaves they have been to a Grand Master who has taken them hostage, to deliver results according to his whims and caprices? Who actually do these elite represent and who elected them to speak for the people when the people have their representatives in the parliament and the senate? Isn’t it time that these shameless beggars and power mongers be scrapped off any form of representation of the people? Else, why would they insistently and persistently lie, both to the people and the government? And this is not only in Lebialem, you can find them in every nuke and cranny of the Cameroons purporting to speak on behalf of the people. Their end is at hand and in fact nothing will distract the people of Ambazonia, nothing will divert their attention this time around, until they reach their determined end – the unconditional independence of the British Southern Cameroons – Ambazonia.


Friday, June 15, 2018


Kemi Ashu wrote the following information: "On the 30th of May 2018, the Cameroon government summoned the Ambassadors of ALL AFRICAN countries that have diplomatic services in Yaounde - Cameroun.
The Ambassadors were warned by Cameroun government not to support any initiatives by the Ambazonian leaders and should not receive Ambazonian leaders in their various countries.The Cameroun government reminded the Ambassadors that, the fighting going on in the "Anglophone" regions is an internal matter, as such, no country should interfere in the internal matter of Cameroun. The Minister delegate then asked the various countries to cooperate with the Cameroun government, by following the example of the Nigerian government.
The Ambassadors were further told to support very strongly the position of Cameroun government and to reject any demands from Ambazonian leaders who are in their various countries.
The Central African Republic's Ambassador to Cameroun was the only person who stood up to support Cameroun government openly.
The meeting was presided over by Cameroun's Minister delegate at the ministry of external relations Mr. Adoum Gargoum.
The Cameroun government further told the various African Ambassadors not to follow the example of the American Ambassador to Cameroun."
From the above write up, we have to understand that the desperate dictatorship of Paul is using all forms of methods to coerce other governments to follow the shameful standards of Cameroon and Nigeria that have recently shown a disgraceful standard by breaching the international law on "non-refoulement" which entitles countries to protect asylum seekers and others who are escaping from persecution in their various countries. This is the intention of the dictatorship in Yaounde to suffocate the Southern Cameroonians into submission, following their incompetence to resolve the present crisis. This shows again a second tendency of the regime to want to bully external powers and other countries with diplomatic relations into submission and acceptance of the evil of the shithole dictatorship in Yaounde. Cameroon, it is noteworthy, has nothing to teach these respective countries after consistently becoming notorious before the international community for continuous violation of human rights, inhumanity, crimes against humanity, genocide etc. Nigeria and Cameroon, have violated international law for which they should be punished if the international bodies must earn respect.  Diplomatic relationships do not mean the acceptance of the regime's crimes and complicity with this complete show of eclipse of reason. In its almost complete desperation, the regime of Paul Biya has rendered Cameroon a completely lawless country, flaunting every single law to suit its purpose and wanting through corruption, coercion and other means to compel other governments to follow sooth. SHAMELESS DICTATORSHIP AND LAWLESS COUNTRY WITH SHAMELESS ADMINISTRATORS WHO ARE IN SUPPORT OF THE FRENCH HEGEMONY THAT PERPETRATES COLONIALISM AND DICTATORSHIP IN AFRICA.

Cameroon has not lessons to give to these countries, after having plunged the country into abject poverty and misery with the use of all means of extortion on the citizens. It just naturally follows that such a backward country has every lesson to learn from the forward looking African democracies. The anarchy still thinks it can offer anything and anyone who listens to these wicked leaders can only be doing so to the peril of his country and people.

Thursday, June 14, 2018



My fellow brethren of Southern Cameroons. This is your humble countryfellow EBM. I greet you all. I beseech and appeal to all Southern Cameroonians to read this carefully, and share massively to educate and empower our people, and give guidance to our activists to fight correctly.
For many years now, we have been pursing diplomatic battles in our quest to restore the independence of our beloved motherland; Southern Cameroons. But our quest for independence has until recently been gloomy. And this is mostly because we have not been pursuing our diplomatic fight correctly.
There is much talk about UN General Assembly (UNGA) Resolution resolution 1608 (XV) being the resolution that granted us independence, and claims that we didn’t achieve the granted independence because Britain did not implement the UNGA resolution 1608 (XV).
On the contrary, UNGA resolution 1608 (XV) was the resolution that robbed us of our independence and as such we should never use it as a weapon to push our case forward. Rather, we should castigate the UNGA resolution 1608 (XV) and the UN for unlawfully ripping us of our deserved independence.
I will give a brief explanation of the resolutions that prescribed and resulted to ‘independence’ of Southern Cameroons.
UNGA resolution 1514(XV) of December 14, 1960, granted Unconditional independence to all trust and colonised territories. Paragraph 5 of this resolution declared that; ‘’Immediate steps shall be taken, in Trust and Non-Trust territories which have not yet attained independence, to transfer all powers to the peoples of those territories, without any distinction as to race, creed or colour, in order to enable them to enjoy complete independence and freedom.
Suspiciously, this landmark resolution was updated the very next day on Dec 15, 1960, by UNGA 1541(XV), which states that, for a small country which, although entitled to sovereign independence in its own right, found itself incapable of bearing all the burdens of a sovereign State, such as for defence and diplomatic relations worldwide, such a State would be deemed to have attained a full measure of self-government by joining a neighbouring sovereign state that already had the facilities it lacked.
It is this resolution (1541(XV)) which prescribed the concept of joining, that led to UNGA resolution 1608 (XV) that robbed Southern Cameroons of its deserved independence as declared in UNGA resolution 1514(XV). In pursuance and implementation of the dubious UNGA resolution 1541(XV), The UN granted independence to Southern Cameroons by joining the already independent Republic of Cameroun, through UNGA resolution 1608, after having conducted a plebiscite with two questions set forth: to choose between gaining independence by joining the independent Federal republic of Nigeria, or the independent republic of Cameroun.
So, we see clearly that using UNGA resolution 1608 (XV) as a tool to advance out quest for independence is detrimental to our fight for independence. That is why the motion that was circulated some months ago asking Southern Cameroonians to sign a petition requesting the chair of the African Union to petition the ICJ to interpret UNGA resolution 1608 (XV) was a miscalculated step.
This is because the declaration of UNGA resolution 1608 is explicit and clear enough and expressly states that Southern Cameroons has chosen to gain independence by joining the republic of Cameroon. So, any interpretation by the ICJ would be based on that. And it would be disastrous for us if the ICJ passes such a verdict. Therefore, my fellow Southern Cameroonians we must never make such a blunder ever again.
What is the right strategy?
The right diplomatic offensive we should pursue based on the UN resolutions affecting the independence of Southern Cameroons is threefold.
Firstly, we must embark on the original UNGA resolution 1514(XV) that granted Unconditional independence to all trust and colonised territories. We must petition the UN that, Southern Cameroon, just like the other nations that were granted independence based on this resolution, also reserves the right to enjoy unconditional independence and freedom.
Secondly, we must petition the UN and castigate the dubious UNGA resolution 1541(XV) that prescribed independence to some territories by joining another independent country. This is because a nation cannot become independent by joining another nation. And worst still, if the nation is denied a seat at the UN.
We should further castigate this dubious resolution for its unfairness to Southern Cameroons particularly because, other territories that were granted independence by joining, in this same resolution, such as the case of the Republics that were part of USSR had separate seats at the UN are a glaring pointer to the fact that Southern Cameroons was robbed of its right to self-determination and independence. This is because having a seat at the UN secures the right of the parties to regain their sovereignty without necessarily having to pull much string, in case of material breach of treaty.
Thirdly, we must castigate the UNGA resolution 1608, which even though being unjust and robbed Southern Cameroons of its independence, has still being violated by LRC. UNGA Resolution 1541(XV), which is the precursor of UNGA resolution 1608 (XV) declared and prescribed two modes or systems of achieving independence by joining, and the two systems both provided for joining without comprising the independent status of either party. The two systems of joining were: joining by way of association, or joining by way of integration.
For joining by way of association, the resolution provides that, the smaller territory retains its territorial integrity and constitution, which it is free to amend without consulting the bigger country it wishes to associate with, subject only to any Agreement reached on the sharing of power in a Federation of two States, of equal in status.
For joining by way of integration, the resolution provides that, the two parties share the three (3) powers of Government equally, thus:
(a) The Presidency: The office of President of the integrated country was to rotate alternately each term between the two joining States;
(b) The Judiciary: The parties were to provide an equal number of Magistrates and Judges throughout the integrated territory, and where the judiciary is headed by a Chief Justice, that post also alternates in like manner as the Presidency;
c) The Federal Legislature: For equality at the Federal Legislature, the people from the small state held a veto power on all draft bills before they were passed into law.
Further, UN Charter Articles 102/103 mandatorily require that any Agreement reached by the parties must be evidenced in writing, and a copy filed at UN Secretariat for Publication, should need arise.
Fellow Southern Cameroonians, it can be seen clearly that, Southern Cameroons has been robbed of its independence, and most importantly that, as required by UN charter, there has never been any treaty of union between Southern Cameroons and La Republique du Cameroun.
What is the diplomatic way forward?
I will post the volume 2 of this writeup that will detail how to navigate the UN bodies and how to pursue our diplomatic offensive.
But we must keep up our military action and fight and force LRC out of our territory.
Southern Cameroons is free ✊🏿

Friday, June 8, 2018

Biya - Musonge Anglophone Commissions: A Political Diversion by Ambe Emmanuel

Nobody knows the Anglophone problem better than Biya, except perhaps those who are older than Biya in the likes of Nfon Mukete. Biya was there at the very beginning till now. He participated in all the grand decisions that were taken against Anglophones. What then was the relevance of creating the Musonge Commission when Biya knows the problem so very well?
What were the results of the BIYA commission that was created by Ahidjo to cater for the Anglophone problem?
If the Biya commission was bent on solving the problem, how come the Anglophone problem resurfaced more than 40 years later with more virulent claims than it was in the 1970s?
What is the guarantee that the Musonge commission will do any better?
History has revealed that the greatest way of killing a problem LRC style is by creating a commission.
When LRC was preparing for the last AWCON, 13 Commissions were put in place. When it was realized that things were not moving, a 14th Commission with a huge budget assigned to it was set up to investigate why the 13 other commissions were not working.
Commissions are used as a subterfuge to divert political attention from solving the problem.
The relevance of the commission with regard to the Anglophone problem is questionable, mindful of the fact that there was a commission headed by Biya, Abuem A Tchoyi and Dorothy Njeuma as those that are still alive. Then there was the Buea Declaration in 1993 (AAC 1) where all Anglophone grievances were spelt out. Then the Bamenda Declaration 1994, AAC2 where yet again Anglophone grievances spelt out. Then the resignation letters of Foncha and Muna to Biya when 1994 Constitutional Consultative talks failed and the duo threw the towel. The Duo mentioned that they tried to meet biya on several occasions to explain these grievances but Biya kept turning them down. That is how Biya replaced Muna with Fonka Shang Lawrence, believing that the latter will be sober but it proved the contrary and the latter was replaced in so little time. Anglophone grievances not new here as we can see and Biya understands the problem better than us all. If the Biya commission didnt resolve the problem, where is the guarantee that the Musonge commission will do any better? Abouem made so much noise when the crisis started in 2016. George Ngwane was one of the advisers to the Consortium. Why is it that both gave gone mute ever since their appointment to the Commission? One would have expected Abouem A Tchoyi who understands the problem very well to be at the fore front if truly the commission intends to solve the problem.
Why didnt Musonge visit Ayuk Julius and others in order to get the opinion of the Diaspora? As it stands, the Diaspora are in control now so why table a conclusive report without seeking the face of the Diaspora?
Most disturbing of all situations are internally and externally displaced people whose houses have been burnt. Does [provide an enabling environment for the displaced to return] imply the full reconstruction of the over 80 burnt villages? When government asks them to return from bushes, where do they return to when villages have been burnt? Peoples documents have been burnt and many are without ID cards because as they escaped the fighting with no time to collect identification papers which stayed behind and were burnt by LRC forces. What becomes of them? Will the Government reconstruct these homes? How many hundred years will it take to reconstruct over 80 communities and where will the displaced be within the period of wait, in refugee camps?
I didnt read about the dead, those who were denied dignity in life and even in death. They were denied the right to a decent burial. Human beings who were made in image and likeness of God were buried worse than dogs. Even our family dog had a more decent burial than our deceased brothers and sister. I never read anything in that regard. Instead, I read about the return of Amadou Ahidjos corpse for a National Burial. I can only question the relevance of the return of this corpse to appeasing Anglophones. If my memory doesnt fail me, Ahidjo was the author of this problem, from Foumbam in 1961, to 1972 referendum and so on. What is the relevance of the return of Ahidjos corpse to the Anglophone problem?

This Divide and rule game beats my imagination. Patricia Scotland of Commonwealth visited Buea but did not Bamenda. To make it worse, Bamenda wasnt represented in the Buea meeting. Now Musonge commission visits Bamenda and immediately publishes results.
One would have imagined that the same scenario be replicated in Buea before tabling the report. Why is the NW speaking up and the SW is quiet? What do we make out of this;
That the SW doesnt have any interest to defend in the Anglophone problem and they are contented with LRC domination of the Anglophones.
The Anglophone problem is a GRAFFI AFFAIR, as Musonge, Nalova Lyonga and others said, because the SW are a peace-loving people and it is the graffis that are disturbing the peace here
To give the SW a good name and to give the NW a bad name
Indicates that the SW are already captured by LRC and they pose no threat to the National Integrity and are ready to follow Biya anywhere he goes. In this regard, Musonge will remain the Political Leader of the region, the only cock that can crow, while Elung Paul will be the next PM and Tabetando will surely head the next Senate. As a consequence, the entire region can be sacrificed.
Come to think of it, the SW has been most affected by this struggle so far, in almost all the divisions. At the start, the SW was lagging. The entire Manyu, entire Lebialem, entire Kupe Muanenguba, parts of meme, parts of Fako, parts of Ndian have been affected, as opposed to just Boyo and Momo, with the exception and perhaps the unfortunate Santa incident. So why doesnt the SW have a say in the Commission. Even on the date of this publication, there were armed confrontations in Lebialem, Ekona, Ekombe, Mbalangi and other SW locations with many SWners killed.
LRC has always ensured that we remain divided, right in the days of Ahidjo where southern Cameroon was divided into NW and SW and both camps were put at permanent loggerheads with each other. To compound the problem, Ahidjo and Biya insisted that there be no direct access to both regions, regardless of the fact that both regions were side by side, sharing a common boundary. One had to leave Bamenda and pass through two LRC Regions before getting to Buea. What we have as the Mamfe-Bamenda road is a fabrication of the GREEN TREE accord that was imposed by the UN as part of the resolution of the Bakassi crisis and not because LRC was ever willing to link both regions. The plan has always been to divide us. Unfortunately, the people have understood this dirty game and are working against it. No amount of manipulation can divide the people again.
When Musonge openly accused the graffis, the agenda was to distance the SW from the struggle but it failed woefully. As we can see, different communities have come up with their defense forces that are made up of solely the indigenes of that area so there is nothing like graffi manipulation as was the case in the past.
Federation was cited in the report as a solution to the current crisis. I ask myself how Musonge arrived at that, besides, what type of Federation are we talking about here and how the federation will be settled. Will it be imposed on us by Presidential Decree or by Popular vote? Are we talking about a 10 State, 5 State, 4 State, 2 State Federation? Besides, what gives Musonge the impression that the people want a Federation? we welcome the much talked about dialogue but the golden question remains;
Who will be dialogued with?
LRC claims it will not dialogue with terrorists, secessionists.
There are some Anglophones who do not recognize the IG.
Then we have the indifferent that are cynically sitting on the fence and waiting for the outcome.
Then there are some of us who have stolen so much money from the corrupt system and we want it to continue so that we remain on the winning side.
Then there is the anti-graffi group who prefer a ten state federation, which wont be different from the ten regions we have now.
Then we have the sex slaves who want a decentralized state
Then we have those who want a return to 1961 federation,
Then we have the SDF and its 4 state federation
Then we have LRC evil scheme of creating bilingual regions or 4 state federations where SW and LITTORAL, NW and OUEST will be linked up, under the evil guise of killing the Anglophones completely.
Then we have the restorationists who form a great part of the Diaspora.
With so many Anglophone extremes and with diehard opponents holding their grounds firmly I can only most humbly suggest that a free and fair REFERENDUM be organized for Anglophones to determine their fate once and for all.
There is a trap here because we hear of many francophones turning the problem into a national problem, citing how we need a national dialogue so that peace can come to this country. That is how the return of Ahidjos corpse was brought into the table and we have heard many francophones saying that the problems raised by Anglophones are found in other regions as well. We need to beware of manipulation. There is an Anglophone problem that is different from any other domestic problem so lets not fall into the 1972 trap where everyone voted instead of just the Anglophones.

Thursday, June 7, 2018


I Edwin Boye Kinga born in the part of the world, documented in the archives of both the League of Nations and the United Nations Organisations as the British Southern Cameroons represent no one. I just like to air out some views so that I could have some element of peace in my heart and in my soul.
I like to see a world that does not feed fat on the tears of the poor. I like to see and live in a world without any double standards especially when such perennially favour the vantage and rich over the poor masses. What use does any system provide if it gives undue rights to the ruling oligarchs while depriving the basic human rights to the rest?
I condemn in the strongest possible terms the murder of my brothers and sisters for more than a year now with no one to speak out for them, just because they state out historical truths and seek under universally accepted standards in a system imposed on them by the now mute U.N.
I condemn the torture and looting, the rapes and gruesome hardship metted on our people by soldiers, police and other wings of a fascist military that seem to be hungry for the blood of harmless human beings.
I seek to condemn as an individual, all the persons and institutions that humanity looks up to as their moral refuge for remaining silent in a time as bad as this: the MPs of our people for their cowardice, the state media for nefarious and consistent lies that do untold damage to truth and history, the regular state institutions for branding our people a priori as terrorists, dogs, rats etc. in order to plunder them at will and even for unconstitutionally calling our people separatists and secessionists thereby misleading the uninformed world. All the other institutions such as religious and cultural have not met the expectations of the stranded and volatile masses who find nowhere else to go.
I condemn the hate propaganda on social media against our people even though I forgive the perpetrators of this hate agenda because many do so out of ignorance. For the most part they have no historical roots and depend largely on their political leadership and state media both of whom are as tied to French interest as is a dog to a chariot. And history proves me right.
I condemn the sickening silence of major international organisations: the U.N., the African Union, ECOWAS as well as the main news outlets of the world. Our people have been on the streets all over our territory for about a year to make their legitimate voices heard in vain. They have taken to the streets in France, Germany, Japan, Spain, the UK, Canada, South Africa and even in Kuwait of all places. The various states of the U.S. have seen us but paid no attention. Do we not belong to planet earth? Did we ever remain silent at any point in history when horror stroke? We cried with you when terrorists stroke the UK, Spain, Belgium, Somalia, Nigeria the U.S.A. and so on. We joined the world actively when disasters stroke such as the horrendous hurricanes, earthquakes and even the controversial Ebola. I remember how the proprietors of the world rallied in France when that nation lost 12 citizens. What crime then did our people commit that we are battered to peices for months while the world wathes in silence and uninvolved? Is it true that the gains from the trade in in arms has a higher bargaining power over our lives?
I condemn you, the political elite in Yaoundé for allowing yourselves in Machiavellian fashion for letting the "honneur de la patrie - La France destroy your sense of objectivity to the effect that you are consistently murdering other Africans. History will be your judge.
Why did the League of Nations decide to divide the German colony of Kamerun into two and give them to the British and the French respectively?
Why did the United Nations adopt the responsibility of ascertaining the preparagon of the aforementioned territories towards self rule?
If the U.N. herself stands aloof in a conflict whose very origins she is, where else could a stranded people turn?
I stand with you my peopl. I feel bleeding in those whose limbs are torn to peices by the military on rampage. I feel the pangs of prison torture from afar praying for each and every single prisoner. I share fully in the pain of every family that has lost a brother brother or sister, a father or mother. I am with you in the pains from the raping of our loved ones by the uniform officers, who, acting like beasts and with impunity have treated us with a dignity unworthy of human beings.All these keep my eyes open all night when I pretend to sleep.
But we shall rise, my people. Do not ask me when and how. And things shall never ever be the same again.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018


Recently I had the idea that Ambazonia should not only have an EXECUTIVE (in form of an IG) but also a LEGISLATIVE (in form of the first National Congress) and a JUDICATIVE (in form of Bamenda High Court renaming itself into Ambazonia High Court and passing an Ambazonia Independence Act) and also a "MONETATIVE" (in form of the Ambazonia National Bank issuing Amba Futures Covered by Amba Resources) and a PLEBISCITE (in form of a referendum as soon as the Amba Homeland Security can control the territory and guarantee that no manipulations by LRC occur). So although right now the highest priority is that GZ gets sufficient means to survive and fight efficiently, we in the Diaspora could start to magnify the impact of the Ambazonia Revolution worldwide by setting up these 5 columns of state: EXECUTIVE, LEGISLATURE, JUDICATIVE, MONETATIVE, PLEBISCITE at least in its virgin predecessor forms. But I don't mean to create 5 seperate bureaucratic apparatus now, but rather to make every Ambazonian think how we as an independent state can maximize our powers on all possible fields. Also when I recently spoke about creating a United Front I didn't mean to create something separate from the IG, but something which is a renewed and maximized IG-of-all-groups. Since it is certain that no group can defeat Françafrique alone we just need to find collaboration rules which are accepted by all and let us all pull effectively on one rope into one and the same direction against the common enemy: LRC. It is very odd that the VP of the IG and Millan who couldn't remove the allegations of involvement into the abduction yet were founding a competitor group to the IG. If I were the AIP I would fire that AVP and exclude Millan from any major role concerning Ambazonia! But I also think the deeper problem in the whole struggle right now is that people advocate or abhor groups without even knowing what agenda they are driving. The Ambazonians should make their choices more based on facts than on emotions and suspicions. So what we need is that in each group or government the basis members have to increase there fact check strictness of whether the leaders are really doing what they are saying. You see, as a German observer and bystander to the struggle with a big heart for all oppressed peoples who wanna set themselves free I received innumerable messages of individuals talking bad about this leader and talking well about that leader. I could tell you bad things about any leader! But I don't do that in public because the strengthening of the Ambazonian revolution on the whole is more important and in fact every "bad" leader has also big good points. So let's stop this bickering on leaders who are still all in all pro Ambazonia Independence and focus on kicking the enemy and the real traitors out and push all those passive ones who never contributed to help our suffering fellow Amba citizens so far to finally contribute!
One thing I think all Ambalanders should also do is reading the African Charters of Democracy, Elections and Governance (by the AU) and stop saying the AU is useless because it's just a bunch of dictators listening to French money. No, we have many different countries in the AU and all need to get a document about how many Charters of the AU Mr Biya is and was violating so far. It is a long litany of paragraphs Biya violated so far. He is a total disgrace for Africa and the world! Every foreign leader who is still taking Mr Biya as a president although he exceeded 2 terms in 1992 already must be full front reproached and supplied with that litany by the Ambazonian Constitutional Council. So far we hoped too much from the UN. The UN does not move much as long as the AU doesn't move much. The same goes with all these economic Unions in Africa. Ambazonia has to get serious with claiming back her reserves from the National Bank of France! Unfortunately so far the Ambazonian Law and Finance experts have been too disunited to form effective teams. That is something the IG should enforce: either you work for Ambazonia in a team now or you can't practice law in Ambazonia anymore! The constitutionality doctrine of RoA promoted by Fon Dinka since day one is Ambazonia's biggest international leverage besides military force on GZ! Let's use it!!!


POWERCAM: Located in Yoke Muyuka, was a dam that was supplying electricity to the southern Cameroon. This dam was closed down intentionally by La Republic because, the did not want us to be energy independent.

CAMEROON BANK; This was the Anglophone bank created by Foncha and was the biggest bank in the Cameroons. It was one of the fatest growing bank in West Africa. It was closed down by La republic to prevent the bank from empowering the business men and women in the Anglophone Cameroon.

VICTORIA SEAPORT: It was one of the most deepest natural seaport in west Africa that can harbour both small and mega ships and links the entire west Africa to central Africa which was shut down by la Republique to promote their expensive river port in Douala.

MARKETING BOARD: It was a board meant to process and grade cash crop produce like cocoa and coffee in anglophone Cameroon. The head office was located in Limbe. It informs the anglophone farmer his or her grade of cocoa or coffee before shipping to the world market. It was a powerfull organisation,financially healthy and was sponsoring big Football teams in Anglophone Cameroon i.e Kamac Kumba and Kamac Bamenda FC this was closed down by La Republic and our cocoa and coffee farmers were not more protected in the world Market. That explains why farmers became poor due to exploitation from middle men. Closed down by La Republic.

COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES: This was a dutch culture implanted in anglopjone Cameroon. Farmers work in cooperative groups .

MOBILE WING; was the British trained forces for anglophone Cameroon, which Ahidjo replaced them by the French Gendarmes

CAT (CAMEROON AIR TRANSPORT); Main hub was Tiko airport and Bafut airport. Transporting CDC produce and also running domestic flights. Was an airline representing Anglophones. Fastest growing airline in West Africa at that time, closed down by LA Republic
PWD: Public works department was an anglophone identity of heavy duty machines placed at the doors of councils for road maintenance and repairs. The also ran football clubs, PWD Kumba and PWD Bamenda. Closed down by La Republic. Fastest road construction company growing in west Africa.
MIDENO: Trained Agric experts to move around and help farmers in educating them on farming methods. HEAD office in Bamenda. ANGLOPHONE cAMEROON , Killed by La Republic.
EKONA RESEARCH CENTRE: created by Americans, the best research centre in west africa then, Francophonised and now is a sham.
WADA:wum area development authority was shutdown by ahidjo.
TikoAirport. Fastest growing airport in west africa. Closed down by La Republic.
Tiko Wharf; Linked water transport between west cameroon and Nigeria. Was growing to the status of a seaport. Killed by La Republic.

FONADER: This was a special bank in anglophone Cameroon. Created to subsidies anglophone farmers both financially and materially. Ahijio transfered it to Yaounde, changed the name to Credit Agricole and gave his French brothers to bury it.

Ombe Trade centre: With heavy industrial machines. Fabricating and maching spare parts and machines.Located in Ombe to train technical guys for anglophone Cameroon, killed by La Republic.

MOBILE POLICE WING:Very effective and well train police force that runs the security of southern cameroons deligently but it was forcefully shutdown by la republique after they invaded Ambazonia with their arm forces.
The list is too long to exhaust here. If these companies were up and running, then anglophones could have been swimming in job opportunities. George Pompidou (French President) with Ahijio and Biya agreed that, all these anglophone companies should be eliminated so that, we can be the slaves for La Republic. This is the main reason why English speaking Cameroonians can not easily find jobs, because their own companies with English expression have been closed down. You all can see why we all say Enough is Enough!!. We want our country Back.Long live Ambazonia aka Southern cameroons freedom is near.
I am Hygh Cent
son of kumba
meme county