Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Do you know that The British Southern Cameroon has never had a Treasury? By Jack Stam Rollins


Do you know that The British Southern Cameroon has never had a Treasury? What does that mean to you? By 3pm everyday, Transversal transfers all cash gathered in the N.W. Region to Bafousam and all cash in the S.W. Region is transported to Douala. The only 2 Regions without a Treasury, why? We are not part of them. They are out just to exploit us. Take our oil, timber, Gold, bauxite, and other precious stones. And they can't even save the money with us, what a distrust. Even the money, they are taking it away from us. All industries are centralised in the Francophone zones and SW and NW relegated to the background. Besides all the crude oil from the SW Region, not even one SCDP station is found in the Southern Cameroon. Besides all the rise - ups from the Ndian group against oil exploitation without benefits, the biggest SCDP station in Central Africa is under construction in Kribi, not still in the Southern Cameroon. Ndian people especially the Bakassi 'take note that the Kribi SCDP station was conceived after the fake or better still mediocre promise made to you. It's almost finished and they are still making promises to come and start works in Isangele. Was it not to begin in November? Then sent to January, now to ...... Rrrhhhhh this makes me roar like a lion. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Forwarded as recieved General Jack Stam Steel Rollins..,

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