Top UN Official
Confirms A Possible Independent Southern Cameroons
By Eric Tataw for
National Telegraph, USA
A long-serving UN
official has confided in National Telegraph that Southern Cameroons
has the right to be an Independent Country. While insisting we
withhold his identity, the diplomat however hinted that procedures
must be followed. He explained to National Telegraph's
Editor-in-chief, Eric Tataw that Southern Cameroons must follow the
Montevideo Convention. He went on that as at now, Southern Cameroons
is already on track with this Convention adopted in 1933 on the
Rights and Duties of States.
He further told
National Telegraph that the Convention requires Southern Cameroons
must declare it's intentions which she did on October 1, 2017. He
however added that a referendum is imperative. Our interviewee again
remarked that according to the Convention, the seceding country must
belong within clearly defined boundaries with a permanent population,
this to him, Southern Cameroons already has.
Another remarkable
revelation is that as country wishing to secede, Southern Cameroons
must have a government as he cites the Southern Cameroons Interim
Government as a commendable step. He however added that such a
government must canvass for friendship and get into relationship with
other sovereign states so that each recognizes her at their
Our source stated
firmly that Southern Cameroons has all it takes from the authenticity
of its History, Maps and Boundaries to secede from the Republic of
Cameroon. He however noted that the UN doesn't have the authority to
recognize a state while highlighting that Southern Cameroons must
start the process itself by first and foremost sending to the UN an
application letter plus a declaration showing will to respect the UN
He further told
National Telegraph that the application letter and declaration will
be followed by a review of the Security Council before the 193
members of the General Assembly would vote with a two-thirds majority
for Southern Cameroons to be admitted and recognized.
He then cornered
National Telegraph that reports from Amnesty International and other
media reports on a somewhat Genocide going on in the area, number of
detainees, the Refugee situation as shown by Nigerian authorities and
reports of militarization, amongst others are exactly like the case
of South Sudan before she gained Independence from Sudan on July 9,
He ended that
Southern Cameroons has a fine and perfect case but must follow
procedure and Independence will follow, adding that Southern
Cameroons residents have a great role to show resistance to
continuously echo their case to the UN and other countries as a
people who want sovereignty.