Tuesday, June 27, 2017

A Open Note to the Two Newly Appointed Banso Professors by Mbiydzenyuy David WANTANGWA

A Open Note to the Two Newly Appointed Banso Professors
(through Shey Woo Scandy)

Shey Woo Scandy, whatever the motive of the appointment, there is nothing now that we should be happy about. You yourself have seen and acknowledged that it is the piece of meat, Honourable Joseph Wirba talked about. What a timely prophecy he out rightly made. If those two professors have courage, they should turn down those appointments. After killing, maiming, torturing, kidnapping our people, they come and give some two obscure positions and you and other adherents of such that you call politics would expect the Nso man to clap or to be happy about that. The blood that has been shed by this regime of Nso people has not been atoned for and I expected that even from the traditional point of view, you like a Shey should understand that better, before invoking our Christianity to reiterate the point. The Blood of innocent is crying out throughout the land, and my appeal is that no one in Nso land nor in Southern Cameroons should dare celebrate any of those odious, hideous appointments. From my authority Shey, let me tell you that such appointments at this time are appalling, indeed an abomination, albeit, loathsome both in the eyes of God, Allah or Nyuymbom, Call him with which version, HE or THEY reject such Machiavellian manipulations. More if you need.... My Advice to those Professors, Wir Fon, Angaa Yeey Ve Abaa, Ven Yuuri mo kijung. These set of appointments are following after the rejection of those who were first preferred to you and trust me, they may be on their way to Kondengui if the skies do not shine on their heads. You were first of all more qualified earlier than now, why were you still being left behind. And at the time your own juniors and brothers and sisters and daughters were being maltreated, tortured, raped, maimed, kidnapped to unknown destinations and the political repression continues in its wildest dimension, what do you imagine are going to be your obligations at least from face value? And now frankly speaking, what do you imagine will be your internal obligations of allegiance to the powers that have put your there? What written and unwritten reports are you supposed to hand to Yaounde? Are you upon assuming your functions very certain that you can perform better to the people than Professor Nalova of Buea whose demise you have just witnessed? And performing better, to whose favour? is there anything in the educational system that will change because of your presence there? Is there anything in the genuine Anglo-Saxon character of things that you think you can successfully change without the blessings of Professor Jacque Fame Ndongo who is your boss? Are you going into these offices as faithful slaves, or as conquering lions? Permit me to take you to another personal level. Two of you are called "Victor" and "Julius". These are conventionally, Christian names, and we want to suppose that you are Christians not just by names but by conviction. You are assuming your positions at a time when lots of people have been wondering if those Christians in government are even worth the name. If they are not just some fellows who grab positions in Church and society to make their weight felt by both and more groupings, so that everybody or at least most can hear your heels when you pass and applaud. Now is the time to put your Christian convictions and your positions in government to a genuine test, because, i assure you, that in the nearest future, those government servants who trample on the people and at the same time come to the Church and assume principal positions, we shall soon spit you out of the Christian communities and no amount of financial contributions that they give to the Church in the hope of corrupting the Church and pocketing the Church will be able to save them. Call it judgement, but when they trample on the people they don't have an appropriate name for it . I must assure you sincerely, that your appointment puts you between the Lion and the Cliff. This is a dilemma that many of your colleagues have found challenging to solve. Do you prefer your Grand Master to your people? Your money to the sufferings and plight of your students? Your positions to the common good? and we can continue to ask. Permit me to come back to this: Remember, that on the day of reckoning, whatever you conceive it to be, your Judge will not be Paul Biya, or Fame Ndongo or call them anything in this government. I have watched and listened to your colleagues fanatically singing the praises of the President as if he were a demi-god having put aside their Professorial status and capabilities and assumed some strange songs of the betimes whimsical and un-statemanlike statements of the head of state. They quickly forget that if they truely qualified or merited the Professorial positions, then they stand a better chance, to correct the president, and as of now, academically speaking, President Paul Biya is not a Professor. So you are supposed to give him sound direction to lead this country and specifically the Educational system from chaotic assimilation into some consistent sanity. Again, as you assume your position how do you hope to be rated by the people, in whose name you have been used for regional balance or whatever they call it, how do you hope to be rated by the government and how do you hope to be rated by God? I invite you both, go into the secret of your rooms and away from any distractions and examine with serious reflection, your conscience as to what await you ahead. It may be a head-on collision with many forces and that you should already be aware of. You may be a stepping stone to achieving both good and evil and God forbid that represent a stepping stone to evil. Whatever, the case you should be careful that this country that is presently sitting on a time bomb should not meet you on the wrong side. A Word to a Wise Is Enough. Good Luck. Pray your God and Act with Fear of the Lord.

Friday, June 23, 2017


I am normally not a fan of Boh Herbert, but I must say I do agree, completely, with his assessment of the Foley Hoag interview and much more.
It was interesting that they cited, as an example of their work, the Polisario and the peoples of Western Sahara. That conflict has been going on for more than 30 years now and resulted in Morocco leaving the OAU only to get back a few years ago. That’s an ongoing conflict that is yet to be resolved. Not sure for how long the firm has been involved with it or what they would consider success in this scenario.
I would have thought they would cite their recent work with the Philippines in the case against China about the disputed islands. The legal aspect of that was a resounding success for the Philippines, the political aspect not so much. As usual there was no enforcing mechanism in the judgment. So the Philippines has ended up in bilateral negotiations with China – something China always wanted and the Philippines never wanted. Not sure what, if any, is Foley Hoag’s role in this crucial part of the problem.
There is nothing inherently wrong with eliciting support from lobbyist. The problem lies with the approach. If I have an issue that needs the US government to intervene from a policy perspective, then a US lobbyist will be a logical approach. Even there, I will seek a firm closer to the current administration. A Clinton era lobbyist or surrogate is unlikely to be very helpful in a Republican, Trump government – note Foley Hoag’s Clinton connections.
Then there is the International aspect of this. How, would a US firm be helpful in lobbying the EU, Russia, Australia or the UN for that matter on our behalf? If we have to go down the expensive route of Lobbyist, should we then have to hire country or institution specific lobbyists? Normally, these guys are hired by corporate interests for specific policy objectives in specific countries. Issues related to Human rights, minority rights, governance in tertiary countries have typically been dealt with through pro bono services and NGOs. Amnesty International, Transparency International the UN etc. are essentially not for profit organizations and their bureaucracies have little patience for profiteering law firms or lobbyists.
It is no wonder, the legal support teams of the ICC are usually pro bono or paid for by NGOs. The fact that we consider paying a left leaning lobbyist in the US or any lobbyist for that matter indicates we have been either unable to, or unwilling to take advantage of the pro bono services out there at our disposal.
We have essentially outsourced the converted job of lobbying our case to a third party. In liberation struggles, the key role of leadership is lobbying the international community for support. The most effective way to do so is through individuals from, the country that are the direct victims of that abuse. Paying lobbyist gives the impression our leaders are either too rich or too busy to engage in such mundane tasks. If they see it fit to outsource the leadership of the struggle, should the people on the ground also outsource their support; Or should they look elsewhere to leadership?
I have read, and watched videos of SCACUF leadership indicating that only $3k has been spent so far by the law firm as an argument that they have been diligent with finances. A couple of things come to mind.
1. Considering that there has been no change in the terms of the contract between Foley Hoag and SCACUF, then $3k, spent over a month working on the case would indicate they really have not been doing anything so far. If, as we know, the billing intervals is 15mins, then the interview alone, with 2 senior Foley Hoag partners already cost SCACUF about $350. Judging by how little information came out of that press conference, I am not
surprised they have not done much work at all.
2. A declaration by Atam Milan, of an item of expense, hardly rises to the realm of accountability; it actually raises more questions than it answers about SCACUF’s accounting practices. The government of Cameroon, unfortunately, has a better track record than that!
3. SCACUF was supposed to ensure $75k be in that account 30 days from the day they met the first $35k requirement. We are well past that threshold and have heard nothing in that regards. It is clear in the contract SCACUF provided, that failing to meet that obligation, the law firm reserved the right to walk off the contract. It is curious that nothing has been said more than 30 days after.
4. Without that $75k, it is likely the law firm is uninclined to commit any more resources to the struggle and any indication that very little had been spent by the law firm only goes to buttress the point that they are scaling back on committing resources.
5. As noted in point 1 above, our esteemed lobbyist, by their contracted fee structure, have hardly committed up to 2hrs of billable time to the SCACUF file. Shouldn’t SCACUF or the people it represents be worried?
As self-appointed, sole representatives of Southern Cameroons, you would expect the third SCACUF conclave to address issues related to where they are in the struggle and the way forward. We’ve heard nothing to that effect; SCACUF spent time and money discussing their internal structural issues and very little, if anything about SC they represent. The one thing SCACUF has on its plate as an external activity is the Lobbyist they hired. I believe they can relax and sip some champagne now having outsourced the struggle to a lobbyist.
Occasional 15 mins conference calls with 2 white guys is enough to pacify its followers.
SCACUF leadership, mostly through surrogates, has been bullying people online peddling the notion that there is no need to be critical of SCACUF and no need to ask what they have done so far. Pointing to SCACUF’s, in my opinion highly flawed, internal structure – and of course Foley Hoag, as evidence of success and traction! There is the further troubling notion that any Anglophone or group of people critical of SCACUF’s actions must be traitors!
It is important to clear the air as to where we were prior to SCACUF and where we are today:-
1. We were able through public and mostly private campaigns able to bring the UN to address the issues in Cameroon and get the UN to send representatives to go visit our leaders in jail. Note the SCACUF only just thought about sending mails to the UN a few weeks ago.
2. Get the Canadian government to sympathize with us to the extent of supporting our Federal position. They actually sent their officials to the provinces to interview local leaders and common people to get an informed sense of the situation on the ground prior to taking their position.
3. Move a few western governments to and parliaments to look into the issues related to the marginalization of our peoples as part of a long diplomatic push.
4. Got Amnesty International and, through the lawyers’ international esprit de corps, had the Bar associations of many countries take strong positions in support of our detainees and lawyers and Anglophones at large.
5. Assemble an international legal team, working pro bono, to defend our leaders and detainees in jail.
6. Rally and unify the entire Anglophone community in opposition to the current state of affairs.
7. Built support for our course from the larger francophone leadership and peoples in Cameroon who easily identify with the mostly governance and human rights aspect of the struggle.
After SCACUF came into existence what have we achieved?
1. Tribalised the Anglophone struggle.
2. Lost the support of the Canadians, who now believe a benevolent despot is better than utter chaos. The only support we now have from them is towards the release of our level headed leaders and detainees.
3. Lost the support of the US and other nations that were considering supporting us in our quest towards legitimately achievable goals.
4. Lost the support on the ground in Cameroon as SCACUFs ambivalent flirtations with uncoordinated violent groups, as a persuasive tool, has alienated the very people it seeks to represent.
5. Alienated the sympathetic francophones in Cameroon who would have been sympathetic to a fight for good governance and the rights of a minority; ticked off when it was hijacked by hate speech directed towards peoples rather than systems.
One thing that’s common to the Anglophones is our sense of critique; our need to accountability and our penchant to question authority. I must say, SCACUF did its best to tap into the anger of the arrests or our leaders, the intimidation of our peoples and the perceived need to unify our voices in opposition to the status quo. Unfortunately, with no vision or plan of action, no accountability, and resorting to violence and blackmail as a means of persuasion; the train, in SCACUF terms, has since moved on with the people leaving them behind.
I could go on and on, but I am better served addressing real issues we have on the ground than any more time with self-serving narcissists who for some reason think they are leaders.

Monday, June 19, 2017


(long but very very interesting to read please).
Cameroon Journal, Washington D.C – It has been quite agonizing in the past one week listening to distressful and disenchanted voices of lamentation from the ground in Cameroon unveiling a sense of hopelessness and frustration with the way the struggle is going right now. While some have want to throw in the towel, others are yearning for immediate action on the ground, the kind of action that will reinvigorate momentum in the masses.
On social media, fingers are being pointed at SCACUF for not acting in a swift way in the face of such rising frustrations on the ground. Many people appear very resentful at the pace with which SCACUF is moving. The situation, they say is beginning to leave many supporters behind, creating room for people on the ground to start giving up hope. Some are also arguing that SCACUF is either reneging or approaching the idea of an Interim PM or Gov’t rather very slowly. Yet, there are others who are also very concerned that SCACUF may have totally ignored the idea of self-defense.
At the Cameroon Journal, we have argued previously that the idea of an Interim Gov’t remains very crucial, and very urgent. We cannot even over emphasize the importance of it. However, we have also stated that no matter how crucial and urgent the need may be, lots of premeditation and planning has to be judiciously invested in its execution to ensure that the very idea of an Interim Gov’t doesn’t end up killing the entire struggle, especially seeing that many of the leaders out there are beginning to approach this struggle more as politics instead of the revolution that it is.
A third SCACUF conclave, we have learned, is coming up at the end of this month. The main agenda on the table we are told shall be the subject of the Interim gov’t. This is a very emotional and sensitive matter, and there are wolves both from within us and without that are hovering around waiting to seize upon the least weakness in the conduct of the election process to destabilize the struggle.
We must again and again be reminded that in the struggle, there are many so-called leaders out there who are just interested in playing politics given the least opportunity. But they come across as concerned comrades, putting on sack cloth like all of us, pretending to share the same sentiments we all have, but in the innermost part of their beings, all they fight for is power and position. These are the people, the elements, the destabilizing forces that SCACUF must look out for as they meet in the next conclave to decide on the way forward in forming an Interim gov’t.
It is in the above reasons that we once more want to make the appeal loud and clear that the idea of an election for the Interim gov’t be put aside, at least for the moment. Now, do not be mistaking. We’re not asking that the idea of an Interim Gov’t be shelled, suspended or put aside. Rather, our concern is with the ELECTION component of it. We think there should be an appointment, not an election. Knowing the dangers inherent in an election whose rules are not known, and which cannot be rushed into, we do not see the reason why our senior statesmen, some of who make up the Advisory Council of SCACUF cannot be trusted for the purpose of preserving our unity by picking a leader or a president or PM who can lead a gov’t in the interim.
This is very important considering the tense atmosphere and the backroom politicking that is ongoing. Any form of election at this moment, we are afraid, may bring unnecessary scrambling in the house. And by the way, who is going to vote, how are they going to vote, where are they going to vote and under what rules are they going to vote? Did you happen to watch how shaky it was to agree on the procedure to vote for SCACUF South Africa leaders? If electing leaders for SA alone was that intriguing, what is going to happen when it comes to a national election?
Some have suggested that such an Interim PM/President should not emerge from the diaspora. That he should be somebody on the ground. Yet, we can hardly find any precedence where a leader of an opposing or revolutionary gov’t was ever based in the home front. Ours is not an opposition party, we are a nationalist movement. It will be a good idea having such an Interim leader based on the ground, that is, if the Consortium and the SCNC and others were not banned. But now that they have all been banned and all their leaders are either underground or on the run, voting for or choosing an Interim leader based at home will be panacea to disaster.
Going back to the PM or Interim Gov’t thing, we strongly support an appointment against an election – at least for now, because many organizations involved in this struggle are acting more like political parties. Their leaders grandstand, blackmail and sabotage one another. Some who have failed to use the regular channels to push their selfish agendas, have gone as far as using pen names to publish sabotage material against other groups and individuals. We are really concerned of a situation where if they do not have their way in this Interim gov’t thing, they will do everything to sabotage the struggle so that they can sit back and throw the blame at others.
SCACUF presently has an Advisory/Leadership Council made up of some of the most trusted veteran statesmen in this struggle. We think they can be trusted to step forward and appoint such a gov’t without relying on some election. The election thing is exactly where the danger lies. An election now may mar this struggle forever. And the idea that we must have some 130 delegates representing all the counties of the Southern Cameroons is equally uncalled for, at least for now.
Let’s remember we are not about a real or normal functioning cabinet and a normal functioning gov’t here. We are merely about looking for an arrangement that should lead and represent us in whatever direction we want to go. The Advisory Council could appoint the Interim PM, and then get all the member groups of SCACUF to nominate from their groups those they feel can serve in the cabinet of the PM. While the new gov’t gets to work after the exercise, the Council staying behind, should work on a draft constitution and rules for electing a future interim gov’t as the mandate of this one expires.
Having said that, Southern Cameroonians who feel like SCACUF isn’t being sensitive and addressing certain issues should be aware that LRC is very busy trying by all means to get information pertaining to what plan of action SCACUF is planning. LRC is actually penetrating our forums and groups per chance, to find out what is being planned. For these reasons, we should realize that SCACUF isn’t going to get out there announcing what it plans on executing. Let us all understand that even if SCACUF were to wage war tomorrow, it won’t go out announcing it because they do not want LRC to preempt them or thwart the plan. We hope this is the reason why SCACUF isn’t coming out to address some of the concerns that are being raised.
We have spoken with SCACUF leadership, and we want everybody to rest assured that SCACUF has plans, unfortunately, these are no normal times and they cannot go out broadcasting what such plans are. But everyone, especially in the home front can rest assured that there is an element of surprise on the way. Let’s avoid being carried away by emotions, there are plans and LRC will be surprised what is coming at them.

The 10 most important points to remember for every Ambazonian by Christopher Messner

Here, the 10 most important points to remember for every Ambazonian: 
1. Only united among our own rows we can defeat our common enemy, which is our annexor, occupant and neo-colonialist exploiter, the puppet regime of illegitimate dictator Paul Biya backed up by puppet-holder France and its XAF = CFA currency system captured inside BEAC and the French National Bank in Paris.
2. With an enemy, which exploited, marginalized and mal-treated us for decades, there is no begging, petitioning, negotiating or federalizing. Only a clear cut with these puppets and crooks in power in Yaounde, Paris & Geneva can solve problems. Only full independence from our rapist La “Republique” du Cameroun can save our health. We say the final good-bye to LRC and Françafrique! There is no way back! Foreward ever backward never!
3. To claim a) the unconditional release of all political prisoners, b) the restoration of our statehood, and c) the withdrawal of all occupants from our Ambazonian territory is non-negotiable. Every Ambazonian must claim full independence now and all collaborators with LRC must face serious consequences. CPDM is a terrorist organization and all governmental offices, facilities or money sources of our occupant on our territory will e made inaccessable for him. And we don’t only claim, we take back.
4. Independence means independence. All Ambazonians are independent from all other powers in the world, especially neo-colonial powers. We are not dependent on any mercy of any country or organization to “give” us independence. We are not dependent on any UN document proving us anything. We are an independent people of Ambazonians and act independently and take everything we need for exercising our already God-given independence. We name ourselves and our state independently as we want, by referendum of our people or by decree. Our people are not Cameroonians. We are Ambazonians. Our own leaders and peoples decide what is good for us, not foreign ones.
5. The world media still does not know or does not want to know the truth about Ambazonia (former “Southern Cameroons”). We stopped calling us “Cameroonians” because the world does not understand the difference between southern Cameroonians and Cameroonians. We are not southern or western or whatever Cameroonians or just “Anglophones in their territory” as they say. All Ambazonians will tell the truth about Ambazonian = SC's history and identity to any journalist, politician and organization in the world methodically, periodically, persistently, until the present narrative that the “Anglophones in the west of Cameroon” would be a “problem” has disappeared. We are not a problem, we are the solution!
6. The core of the problem with Cameroon is that its dictatorial government has sold itself to foreign neo-colonizers who steal the profits from the resources of Ambazonia into foreign accounts and do not reinvest these profits into Ambazonia. The whole thing is not a Francophone/Anglophone problem. It is a problem of robbing and stealing done by the French etc. and their puppet regimes in Africa. And all Ambazonians will tell this truth to the world consistently now until the world gets it. Additionally there will be massive demonstrations in Paris and Brussels in the middle of July 2017 which will ignite the “Second French Revolution” which means the end of France”s neocolonialism in Africa. On top of that there will be a Million Men&Women March on the government building in Buea on October 1st 2017, where we will hoist the Ambazonian flag. Our unarmed, peaceful marchers will be safeguarded by our hidden Ambazonian guerilla and all soldiers of the enemy will know that if they fire one single shot on innocent, marching people, full international media coverage will prove to the world that Biya is the terrorist not us.
7. Self-defense from violent occupation and human rights violations is fully legal according to international law. But the defeat and chase out of occupants can only be started, after SCACUF has achieved to successfully teach the international media that the Ambazonian freedom fighters are not what Yaounde's CRTV says but the Biya regime and its occupying troops are violators of international law and terrorists. Ambazonia will not tell the occupant when its defense and guerilla forces will chase him out. They are ready. The occupant better leaves now or it will become a very bloody experience for him.
8. Sufficient finance, equipment and training of the own army, which will hold all own territory against all potential enemies forever, comes from supportive powers which oppose Camerounese-French mismanagement and which know very well that Ambazonia needs to give only a small percentage of its resources to finance sufficient self-defense. Parallel, the new, democratically elected government of Ambazonia will swear an oath to the new Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ambazonia (=SC), which has strictest anti-corruption-laws of the world and sets much higher standards of law than any French type constitution.
9. Ambazonian citizens started to register as citizen of Ambazonia online and will contribute each at least 10% of their wealth to the further liberation and modernization of Ambazonia. Better 90% left than 100% dead under the rule of the illegal French occupant. Those who refuse to give taxes to Ambazonia will feel disadvantages or dispossessions later. Big donors on the other hand will be have reduced taxes. 
10. After Ambazonia has fully liberated itself and regained full control over all its territory and resources, it will also start to help the Camerounese as well to get rid of the incompetent, senile Biya regime and Françafrique’s system of corruption, exploitation and neocolonialism. After both sovereign countries Ambazonia and Cameroun have got a completely new constitution and a totally different, democratic government, both may form a Confederation, if both peoples would agree in two separate referenda.